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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Feb 6, 2014
Ok, I left the house 48 minutes ago for a run with my iPhone 6s battery level at 5%. I had iSmoothRun and GPS running the entire 45 minutes to log my run. The battery level is now 3%.

I have learned that, since my iPhone 5, the battery level shouldn't cause me any concern until it dips below 5%. Until then, I can go anywhere without worrying that my iPhone will die.

Thank you, Apple!
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thats awesome. you must run pretty fast. other than that idk how thats possible.
well thats awesome. i still kind of don't believe that though lol with gps running. but hey if it did it then thats great. not going to rain on your parade
I still love my iPhone 6. Unless the 7 offers something truly surprising and groundbreaking, I'll probably stick with my 6 until fall of 2017.
am planing on upgrading too iphone 7s or iphone 8 when it comes out no plans too upgrade too iphone 7
Yeah, my iPhone SE's battery life in general is really awesome, but on standby in particular. Many times I'll unplug it at 100%, go to work and not use it at all, and get off and it's still at 100%. If I do use it a bit at work, it's still usually above 90% by the time I get off.
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The percentage meter isn't always correct and it's pretty common for the meter to get stuck for a little while longer on the lower percents till the actual capacity catches up with the meter. iOS uses some algorithm that measure the speed and rate that the voltage drops so if you are using the screen with the brightness up for awhile and pounding the cpu for awhile it will drop the percentage faster than say running with the screen off and the gps on on the background. So once the voltage rubber bands and goes back up the meter just sits there until the voltage is steadily reporting lower. Maybe that makes sense to some of you? :)
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Quite hard to believe an app using GPS only dropped 2% over 45 mins...but if it did that's a real miracle
The people who find this difficult to believe are usually the people who are on their iPhone so much that a recharge is needed daily. So, it follows that those people wouldn't believe what has happened on my iPhone. My recharges happen every other day and I still get moderate use from my iPhones 5/6/6s. Of course, I only use my phones to get things done rather than for games, videos and music.
Idk that my 6s plus would last 45 minutes with GPS running st 5% lol. But I also stream music, generally, so who knows.

Regardless you are bolder than I am. I don't leave for a run under 50%. I play through all the terrible scenarios of being stuck in the woods or the side of the road hit by a car without a cell phone because it ran out of juice lol.

This isn't a criticism, by the way. Well maybe it is, but of me, not you haha.
Idk that my 6s plus would last 45 minutes with GPS running st 5% lol. But I also stream music, generally, so who knows.

Regardless you are bolder than I am. I don't leave for a run under 50%. I play through all the terrible scenarios of being stuck in the woods or the side of the road hit by a car without a cell phone because it ran out of juice lol.

This isn't a criticism, by the way. Well maybe it is, but of me, not you haha.
Oh, I can certainly understand not wanting to be stuck out of the house with a dead battery. I probably wouldn't take the chance on being out of the house for more than two hours if the battery level on my iPhone is under 25%.
Idk that my 6s plus would last 45 minutes with GPS running st 5% lol. But I also stream music, generally, so who knows.

Regardless you are bolder than I am. I don't leave for a run under 50%. I play through all the terrible scenarios of being stuck in the woods or the side of the road hit by a car without a cell phone because it ran out of juice lol.

This isn't a criticism, by the way. Well maybe it is, but of me, not you haha.
I could still go out with a bit less than 50%, but 5%? I wouldn't even bother bringing my phone if I planned on using GPS and music. At the very least I'd put it on the charge for 15-20 minutes and then go out.
I could still go out with a bit less than 50%, but 5%? I wouldn't even bother bringing my phone if I planned on using GPS and music. At the very least I'd put it on the charge for 15-20 minutes and then go out.
I'm hearing impaired, so music isn't an option, just the run app and GPS. Maybe that's why the small drop in battery level seems so incredible to some people.
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