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Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Had my new 6 for days and there is still zero data in the boxes on the Health Dashboard.

Might be a bad chip and I need to return it.

Anyone else with zero data?


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Hmm, you might have a bad one, it's working for me (thanks for reminding me to check, I totally forgot about that feature). 54 steps and 1 flight climbed today, wow that sucks. Football :-/

You are looking in Fitness > Steps > Show All Data? Also, there are time scales, you might not see anything if you are in Day view and your day just started. Try Week.


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Sound silly but how does the health app work? Don't want to watch videos right now or search. So simple answer would be awesome :) Lol.

Well, there is not really that much to the health app itself. Basically all it does is collect data points of various things and can display graphs over time. It can be automatically collected from the M8 (steps, flight of stairs climbed, etc.), things collected from external devices (blood glucose testers, Apple Watch in the future), or entered manually, such as your weight, calories eaten, etc.

It also has an area to enter a number of medical facts about yourself (age, blood type, medications, etc.) that could be helpful in an emergency. This information is available from the emergency dialer section of the lock screen.

And Apple is also working with health insurance companies, hospitals, and clinics to transmit various information to your doctor (only with your permission, obviously).

So it's kind of bare right now, but will become more useful over time.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2012
Hmm, you might have a bad one, it's working for me (thanks for reminding me to check, I totally forgot about that feature). 54 steps and 1 flight climbed today, wow that sucks. Football :-/

You are looking in Fitness > Steps > Show All Data? Also, there are time scales, you might not see anything if you are in Day view and your day just started. Try Week.

Says I have 527 steps today. That seems off or maybe I am wrong. LOL. I cleared all data. I didn't even know that was even collecting anything. Interesting.


macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2008
Beach Cities, CA
Had my new 6 for days and there is still zero data in the boxes on the Health Dashboard.

Might be a bad chip and I need to return it.

Anyone else with zero data?

This is what I thought as well, but then I figured out how to work the Health App and there is data. Though, I'm not sure it's accurate due to software, calibration or a bad chip. It says I've only climbed 1 flight of stairs which isn't right since I live in a 2-story home.

Sound silly but how does the health app work? Don't want to watch videos right now or search. So simple answer would be awesome :) Lol.

Open up Health app, then go to Health data (at the bottom). From there, choose whatever you want to appear on your "dashboard". You also have to have given access to the app/chip/whatever in your privacy settings.


macrumors regular
Sep 14, 2012
Well, there is not really that much to the health app itself. Basically all it does is collect data points of various things and can display graphs over time. It can be automatically collected from the M8 (steps, flight of stairs climbed, etc.), things collected from external devices (blood glucose testers, Apple Watch in the future), or entered manually, such as your weight, calories eaten, etc.

It also has an area to enter a number of medical facts about yourself (age, blood type, medications, etc.) that could be helpful in an emergency. This information is available from the emergency dialer section of the lock screen.

And Apple is also working with health insurance companies, hospitals, and clinics to transmit various information to your doctor (only with your permission, obviously).

So it's kind of bare right now, but will become more useful over time.

I saw something about when you sleep thats something I would be interested in.

Basically when I am walking it knows that and it counts the steps and etc?

Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
This is what I thought as well, but then I figured out how to work the Health App and there is data. Though, I'm not sure it's accurate due to software, calibration or a bad chip. It says I've only climbed 1 flight of stairs which isn't right since I live in a 2-story home.


So am I missing something. I selected several of the data boxes like steps, active calories, resting calories to show up in the dashboard. They are all set for "Daily" and all have "NO DATA" in each one.

Still hoping I am missing something here but I do not think so!:rolleyes:


macrumors 68000
Jul 23, 2008
Beach Cities, CA
So am I missing something. I selected several of the data boxes like steps, active calories, resting calories to show up in the dashboard. They are all set for "Daily" and all have "NO DATA" in each one.

Still hoping I am missing something here but I do not think so!:rolleyes:

I think for those, you have to put in other info, like your weight/height. I'm not really sure how the whole thing works. I just want to know if I have any hardware issues.

Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I think for those, you have to put in other info, like your weight/height. I'm not really sure how the whole thing works. I just want to know if I have any hardware issues.

Thanks, I did that when I originally got the phone.

I will give it another few days and replace it! Seems like I am nearly the only one having this problem.:(

Dangerous Theory

macrumors 68000
Jul 28, 2011
I'm not convinced the step or flight of stairs counter is accurate. Also, there appears to be no way of changing from metric to imperial? I want distance in miles not km


macrumors 6502
Jun 7, 2010
Beaver, PA
I have no data for steps/stairs... I was never asked if HealthKit could access the motion processor and nothing shows in privacy.. Not sure what's going on.

EDIT... Interestingly enough, I installed pedometer++ and allowed it access to the motion processor and now all of the sudden HealthKit has data...
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Newtons Apple

Original poster
Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida

For the fun of it I put one mile in the bike ride dat and BAM, lots of data in all the boxes. Said over14,000 steps for today at 8:30 am! I like this!

Looks like it took all the data from day pone and put it in today. I deleted all and now it is working!

Thank goodness as I did not want to return the device!


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
I'm assuming the app has to be running in the background. Does background refresh have to be on?


macrumors 603
Dec 2, 2010
Atlanta, GA
I'm assuming the app has to be running in the background. Does background refresh have to be on?

There is no need for either.

The M8 chip stores all of the data, regardless. The Health app is just a portal to view the information stored on the M8 chip. The same goes for any 3rd party app the uses the chip to track steps, etc.


macrumors 68000
Jul 11, 2008
Ahhhh...I see, you have to add it to the dashboard. The app is not very intuitive. It should have the basic metrics (steps, etc) already pre-loaded.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Oct 14, 2008
so does the "Cycling Distance" feature need an app to feed health dashboard info or does the M8 chip some how know your biking and not walking?


macrumors member
Sep 29, 2012
Mine works great and is very accurate for steps. Walked around the block and counted my steps. It showed the exact number I counted!. Coming from using a fitbit, I can tell you the flights of stairs is not going to be accurate. It relies on a barometer for this which measures a change in air pressure to register. Indoors, outdoors, air temp, all can effect the reading. I just learned to ignore this data for the most part. Haven't tried it bike ridding yet though.


May 15, 2006
I can't get mine to show any data, and I'm wondering if it's related to me restoring my phone from my iPhone 4S with iOS 8. Curious if somehow it corrupted the Health app on my iPhone 6 so that it tries to get data from the M7 in the 4S.


macrumors 604
Jul 4, 2008
Silicon Valley
I can't get mine to show any data, and I'm wondering if it's related to me restoring my phone from my iPhone 4S with iOS 8. Curious if somehow it corrupted the Health app on my iPhone 6 so that it tries to get data from the M7 in the 4S.

You mean 5S? 4S didn't have a coprocessor chip... neither did the 5.


macrumors 65816
Mar 10, 2009
Is the health app and data always on with no way to toggle it on and off as you want? Or am I missing something?


macrumors 6502
Nov 5, 2007
I did two walks up to the 4th floor of my office today and it's showing 6 floors, so far it's accurate for me...
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