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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
I am going to be 37 years old in march. I’ve been a smoker full time for roughly 20 years. I’m tired of it. Today is my last day as a smoker. I’ve quit opiates, alcohol and other things in the past. I have faith in myself I can do this as well.

I’m not sure that this thread is allowed. So if it isn’t. My apologies. I’m just reaching out wherever I can for support.

So tomorrow is day 1. When I wake up. I will not have a cigarette. Tonight before I goto bed. I will dispose of what’s left of my current pack, my ashtrays and whatever else I have that facilitates my addiction. I’ve told anybody that comes to my house. It will now be a smoke free house. I do not even want them brought into my house. Please leave them in your car. My house, my rules. I’ve tried this before and always failed. Something seems different this time. And I’m sure I’ve said that the numerous amounts of times I’ve tried before.

I will check back in here on a daily basis. I just want to know. Is there anyone else who is about to quit, had quit or is thinking of quitting and interested in taking this journey with me?

I know that I can do this. I have a lot of faith in myself. I’ve been planning this for about a month now. I do not wish to use replacement therapy. I want nicotine out of my life. Once and for all. And the only way to do this is cold turkey. I understand I will go through withdrawals. I am a 2 pack a day smoker. My cigarettes are $5 per pack. 10$/day equals out to 70 a week. $280 per month. $3,360 / year. That will be some very nice vacation money when I goto Florida for my yearly vacation.

So happy new year to all, and here’s to a smokeless tomorrow!


macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2008
Quit 14yrs ago using Chantix (which was outstanding BTW). My advice is avoid ALL triggers. Once you think you're past that point, keep avoiding them. I didn't have a social drink of alcohol for over a year. Cigars have never really done anything for me, I have no idea how anyone gets addicted to those things. I turn down social cigars on the golf course routinely, to this day. I just don't trust myself. I started running and that had helped me REALLY feel the benefits of quitting smoking from a breathing and how I feel standpoint.

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macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
Don't fall for the trap of I'll have just one. Even weeks from now.

Get loads of chocolate, licorice, jelly beans, Ho Ho's, Ding Dongs and mixed nuts. Also lots of gum.

Get a treadmill or exercise bike. So, when you really need a smoke. Sweat it out instead.

One my grandpa did in the good ole days (1950s). He tore off a bunch of cigarette filters. Then just kept them in his mouth all day.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
Quit 14yrs ago using Chantix (which was outstanding BTW). My advice is avoid ALL triggers. Once you think you're past that point, keep avoiding them. I didn't have a social drink of alcohol for over a year. Cigars have never really done anything for me, I have no idea how anyone gets addicted to those things. I turn down social cigars on the golf course routinely, to this day. I just don't trust myself. I started running and that had helped me REALLY feel the benefits of quitting smoking from a breathing and how I feel standpoint.


When you refer to breathing issues from smoking. Did you get winded a lot. From doing small things. Like even just making your bed? And if so, did it get any better after quitting?

That’s my biggest issue is the shortness of breath from doing even small things. Like playing with my kids, making my bed, even sometimes just walking.


macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2008
When you refer to breathing issues from smoking. Did you get winded a lot. From doing small things. Like even just making your bed? And if so, did it get any better after quitting?

That’s my biggest issue is the shortness of breath from doing even small things. Like playing with my kids, making my bed, even sometimes just walking.

I didn't get winded from doing small things, but I was active through Jr./High school (soccer, hockey, baseball). I found myself with much less stamina as the smoking years went on. I could do 90min of soccer with no issues, when I was smoking, 30min max.


macrumors 604
Dec 19, 2004
When you refer to breathing issues from smoking. Did you get winded a lot. From doing small things. Like even just making your bed? And if so, did it get any better after quitting?

That’s my biggest issue is the shortness of breath from doing even small things. Like playing with my kids, making my bed, even sometimes just walking.
That's pretty bad. I was never like that. But I was also active and jogged. Still my distance running improved a bit. Also I was never a big smoker. Usually five or six cigs a day (except when drinking). Although for a while I was up to half a pack before cutting back down.


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2018
I quit with Chantix. I actually tried quitting twice using Chantix before it worked on the third time. Actually, Chantix worked every time for me - I just reverted to smoking after the effects wore off. Each time I started smoking again I went back to the doctor for another prescription. I was in my early 40's when I quit and I'm in great condition now after gaining a lot of weight when I stopped smoking. It's never too late.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
I quit with Chantix. I actually tried quitting twice using Chantix before it worked on the third time. Actually, Chantix worked every time for me - I just reverted to smoking after the effects wore off. Each time I started smoking again I went back to the doctor for another prescription. I was in my early 40's when I quit and I'm in great condition now after gaining a lot of weight when I stopped smoking. It's never too late.

I have anxiety problems. And I fear the side effects of all medication. Especially chantix. I think It would drive me off the deep end. Considering I’m very prone to depression as it is. I spent about 8 years in a depressive state. To the point of not going anywhere. I’ll stick to cold turkey. I can do it. I will do it. I just need some support when things get rough is all.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2010
When you refer to breathing issues from smoking. Did you get winded a lot. From doing small things. Like even just making your bed? And if so, did it get any better after quitting?

That’s my biggest issue is the shortness of breath from doing even small things. Like playing with my kids, making my bed, even sometimes just walking.
I think you will notice a difference after a month, and significant differences in 3-6 months. Each time someone in my life has quit smoking, they've remarked about how much more energy they have, how much better they are sleeping, and how much better everything tastes and smells. With all that benefit, seems like a no brainer!

You got this, brother! This internet stranger is very proud of you!


macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2018
I have anxiety problems. And I fear the side effects of all medication. Especially chantix. I think It would drive me off the deep end. Considering I’m very prone to depression as it is. I spent about 8 years in a depressive state. To the point of not going anywhere. I’ll stick to cold turkey. I can do it. I will do it. I just need some support when things get rough is all.
If you're concerned about your emotional state then yes, avoid Chantix by all means. It has some weird psychological side-effects. I needed it regardless of the side-effects because I was going to die from smoking if I didn't quit at that time. It was a huge motivating factor.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
I think you will notice a difference after a month, and significant differences in 3-6 months. Each time someone in my life has quit smoking, they've remarked about how much more energy they have, how much better they are sleeping, and how much better everything tastes and smells. With all that benefit, seems like a no brainer!

You got this, brother! This internet stranger is very proud of you!

It’s very much appreciated. I can already tell the future. I’ll be here tomorrow bickering about every little withdrawal symptom . Hopefully y’all can tolerate me while I go through this change in my life. I am more or less reaching out to y’all as a support system because I don’t have a lot of people in my life other than my children as a support system. They are younger so don’t really understand what is going on. Even though my 7 year old is who asked me to quit. So this is for my kids and my health.


macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2008
I quit with Chantix. I actually tried quitting twice using Chantix before it worked on the third time. Actually, Chantix worked every time for me - I just reverted to smoking after the effects wore off. Each time I started smoking again I went back to the doctor for another prescription. I was in my early 40's when I quit and I'm in great condition now after gaining a lot of weight when I stopped smoking. It's never too late.

I was on Chantix for 4-5mos. I tapered up, plateaued, then tapered off over the course of that time. It was nuts how the number of cigarettes I smoked started to decrease, then they all tasted like ****, by the time I hit my quit date I was smoking 1-2 a day and I wasn't even sure why. I lost 20lbs when I quit.


macrumors 68020
Jun 4, 2008
I have anxiety problems. And I fear the side effects of all medication. Especially chantix. I think It would drive me off the deep end. Considering I’m very prone to depression as it is. I spent about 8 years in a depressive state. To the point of not going anywhere. I’ll stick to cold turkey. I can do it. I will do it. I just need some support when things get rough is all.

The thing is the side effects of Chantix are basically the same as the nicotine withdrawal symptoms (minus the freaky ass dreams), only you ease into it rather than running head first into them. Because it's not a replacement theory, it blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2010
I just put out my last cigarette. I ran out earlier than tomorrow. Not buying another pack. It’s 9:45pm est. here we go!

Will post updates as soon as I start having updates to post. Thanks to all ahead of time for putting up with my crying
You absolutely got this today! Treat yourself to something else nice today as a reward--a smoothie, a fancy coffee, the poppy seed lemon muffin from that place on the corner, whatever strikes your fancy. Then go to sleep tonight proud that you have day 1 down.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
You absolutely got this today! Treat yourself to something else nice today as a reward--a smoothie, a fancy coffee, the poppy seed lemon muffin from that place on the corner, whatever strikes your fancy. Then go to sleep tonight proud that you have day 1 down.

Day 1 is a bit rough but I’m pushing through. I’m around 14 hours clean so far. It’s not as bad as I thought but still rough. I got this!
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
Just a quick update before I head to work. I’m going into day 2 and doing decent. Chewing on lots of toothpicks and a really short temper. I can’t get the thought of a smoke off of my mind but I can do this!!


macrumors 6502a
Aug 5, 2010
Just a quick update before I head to work. I’m going into day 2 and doing decent. Chewing on lots of toothpicks and a really short temper. I can’t get the thought of a smoke off of my mind but I can do this!!
Just keep remembering that the anger is temporary and is a result of your addiction. Know in your mind that this isn’t who you are and it will fade. Practice breathing, listening to calmer music when you are stressed, go for walks or jogs.

Way to go!


macrumors G3
Oct 27, 2009
I haven't had an actual cigarette in 10 years. And that was possible because I used e-ciggs. At first, I would start using e-ciggs as much as I was smoking ciggs. I immediately felt the positive effects of not inhaling actual smoke. Then my use of e-ciggs became less and less over the months. Now I'm at the point that I only use an e-cigg occasionally, like once every several months. And even if e-ciggs didn't exist any longer, there's no way I could smoke an actual cigarette again, I find it disgusting now.

Not advocating for e-ciggs or it being a completely safe solution. Just telling my story. And if you ever feel you're going to breakdown and smoke again, try an e-cigg instead of going back to an actual cigarette.

Hopefully you can go completely cold turkey ....... GOOD LUCK!!!!!
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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 28, 2021
I haven't had an actual cigarette in 10 years. And that was possible because I used e-ciggs. At first, I would start using e-ciggs as much as I was smoking ciggs. I immediately felt the positive effects of not inhaling actual smoke. Then my use of e-ciggs became less and less over the months. Now I'm at the point that I only use an e-cigg occasionally, like once every several months. And even if e-ciggs didn't exist any longer, there's no way I could smoke an actual cigarette again, I find it disgusting now.

Not advocating for e-ciggs or it being a completely safe solution. Just telling my story. And if you ever feel you're going to breakdown and smoke again, try an e-cigg instead of going back to an actual cigarette.

Hopefully you can go completely cold turkey ....... GOOD LUCK!!!!!

I’ve quit before with e cigs too. For like 2 months. I just want to go cold turkey. Thanks for the “good luck”! I’m still hanging in there. Today has been pretty hard but I hope going into day 3 tomorrow it’ll maybe be slightly easier? Not exactly sure. But so far so good. Haven’t even had one smoke. I’m starting to cough up some nasty stuff. Not sure what that’s about but it’s constantly. Everytime I move and a lot worse when I first wake up. I also have a sore throat. I am guessing that’s from the hacking lol I’m not sure this **** I’m coughing up is suppose to be in my body. The way it looks
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macrumors 6502
Jan 19, 2018
I’ve quit before with e cigs too. For like 2 months. I just want to go cold turkey. Thanks for the “good luck”! I’m still hanging in there. Today has been pretty hard but I hope going into day 3 tomorrow it’ll maybe be slightly easier? Not exactly sure. But so far so good. Haven’t even had one smoke. I’m starting to cough up some nasty stuff. Not sure what that’s about but it’s constantly. Everytime I move and a lot worse when I first wake up. I also have a sore throat. I am guessing that’s from the hacking lol I’m not sure this **** I’m coughing up is suppose to be in my body. The way it looks
When I stopped I remember the first three days being the most difficult. After that the physical cravings started to diminish and it was just the psychological game afterwards. So hang in there! The phase 1 is almost complete.
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macrumors 65816
Apr 17, 2020
Good luck to the OP. I know a couple of people who were able to quit with the help of something called NicoDerm. It's a nicotine patch. You use less and less of the patches over the time until you do not need it anymore.

You might also consider a replacement stimulant like caffeine for the especially hard days.
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