How do you store your data efficiently? If your data is a mess, please don't reply.
I currently keep all my computer files (audio/video/photos/etc) on several storage devices.
Mac Mini: 1 GB (250 GB + 750 GB - not a fusion drive) I keep my photo collection on the mini. Almost full.
Seagate HD 1: 4 TB (Videos and Music) Using almost 2 GB
Seagate HD 2: 4 TB ( Back up drive)
I would prefer keeping everything on one drive, the master drive of my Mac, but I'm waiting for a Mac Mini that will be able to accommodate the amount of data I maintain, 3 GB and growing.
I am not looking to clean up my library. I want to keep all the data I have. Yes, I need that photo of the floor that my child took, call me a digital hoarder.
Am I wrong to want all my files unified in a neat package? It bothers me that everything is strewn about and I feel like every time a hard drive fails (luckily it doesn't happen that often), I have to learn how everything is linked up and stored all over again.
So again, if you have some genius way of managing your large amount of data, in a rather efficient way, I'd love to hear about it!
I currently keep all my computer files (audio/video/photos/etc) on several storage devices.
Mac Mini: 1 GB (250 GB + 750 GB - not a fusion drive) I keep my photo collection on the mini. Almost full.
Seagate HD 1: 4 TB (Videos and Music) Using almost 2 GB
Seagate HD 2: 4 TB ( Back up drive)
I would prefer keeping everything on one drive, the master drive of my Mac, but I'm waiting for a Mac Mini that will be able to accommodate the amount of data I maintain, 3 GB and growing.
I am not looking to clean up my library. I want to keep all the data I have. Yes, I need that photo of the floor that my child took, call me a digital hoarder.
Am I wrong to want all my files unified in a neat package? It bothers me that everything is strewn about and I feel like every time a hard drive fails (luckily it doesn't happen that often), I have to learn how everything is linked up and stored all over again.
So again, if you have some genius way of managing your large amount of data, in a rather efficient way, I'd love to hear about it!