I want to put some. Ideas on my iPad that will not be in the tv app. How can I get videos into the files folder from a Mac. How do I set it up so the videos are in files only on the iPad and not the cloud. Are there any issues with storing them in the files folder locally only on the iPad?
You have to put those videos inside iTunes on your Mac. Then you can sync them to your iPad. I do this with Photos I want to sync with my iPad but without using the Photos App. Basically you can treat your videos like you would your music.
1. Make sure you iPad is set to Manually Manage Music and Videos.
2. Before syncing your videos, you should create a Playlist for Videos inside of iTunes and same on your iPad.
Whenever I want to isolate certain media, I create
Smart Playlist, so that what I need can be easily be found. For example, add Christmas music to iTunes, change the genre to Holiday. Then create a
Smart Playlist for "Holiday" on IOS. After I just drag and drop Holiday music to iOS device. Open Music App on iPad and search in Playlist window "Holiday".
((sorry I just included that so that you know what to do))
3. After you've created your Smart Playlist or Playlist for Videos, Drag the media to your iOS Device while it's connect to iTunes on your Mac. The movies you download and home made videos, type in the
Genre name. After you change the Genre, move the Movies to your iPad.
When you open up your iPad it will show in the TV App - Library - Downloaded - Home Videos.
I hope this helps. You can google how to Create Playlist. I use this feature a lot because it helps organize your media. I say to Create a Playlist so that it will help organize. Remember everything thats on our Macs and iOS devices have Folders.