So just making sure I get this right? You have Powerbeats 2 (I just purchased a blue pair for myself for running - so yay us). And you have them paired to both devices and have both devices with you? Then have you chosen source when playing music?
I dont think you can connect one bluetooth device to multiple devices. Once the device has been connected to device A, connection attempts from device B will fail. At times there seems to be a conflict between what device the headphones are pairing to - I don't think that is specific to these headphones. I am guessing that headphones can only be paired to one "master" at a time.
I'm running tonight so will check
Thanks for the response.
By your theory, I woul dhave to unpair and re-pair my iphone or my watch every time I wanted to use the headphones on the two different devices.
I can hook up, and do currently hook up, my plantronics bluetooth headset to both my ipad and my iphone at the same time. They are NOT both playing through the headset at the same time...but they can both be paired to the headset.
No I am thinking it is something primitive I am doing wrong or apple really screwed the pooch on this one.