Hi All,
I recently upgraded my 2011 17” MBP with a HDD & 16GB RAM from Mavericks 10.9.5 & Safari 9.1.3 to an Samsung 860 Pro SSD (TRIM enabled) with High Sierra 10.13.6 (Mac OS Extended Journalled) & Safari 11.1.2 via Data Transfer from a SuperDuper Cloned Disk.
Before, on Mavericks 10.9.5 with Safari 9.1.3, I was getting numerous issues:
This worked wonders for a while & then things began to get back to being problematic again: lots of beach balling, slow responsiveness, lagging etc. This happens on most websites on Safari but is extremely bad on Ebay - it is just horrible with beach-balling & very slow responsiveness at nearly every click. On ebay, I also get a messages that state this webpage is using significant amount of resources & recommends that I close it down.
I disabled Safari extensions but it makes no difference at all.
I read somewhere that the Hard Drive Cable might be the issue but after finally trying out other browsers like Firefox & Chrome, I am now convinced that this is a MacOS/Safari issue - even though I have upgraded it to the latest version High Sierra can handle. These issues just do not happen on Firefox or Chrome & the laptop performs really great without any lag or beach balling.
The start up time is about 20 seconds & the shut down time is about 14 seconds which sounds about right I am told.
Even though I have upgraded both the OS & the HDD to SSD, on Safari, I am STILL getting lots of messages to accept cookies on numerous websites even though I have already accepted them many times & it is getting very frustrating. The whole performance of the MBP is vastly different when on Safari than when it is on say Firefox - on the latter, it is like a new, fast machine but on Safari, it is just like an old, slow unit with beach-balling & very slow, sluggish performance.
Something else I have also noticed & I do not know if it has any bearing but when on Safari, I notice that the SSD can get quite Warm/Hot (which I really did not expect an SSD to do) but when on Firefox, this does not happen?
As I transferred all my Data over to the High Sierra SSD from a Mavericks HDD SuperDuper Clone, I am also wondering if there might be some issues being caused by this like incompatible/conflicting files, OS Conflicts etc?
I tried to follow an Apple guide on dealing with Safari issues but found a number of folders missing that the guide referred to & stuff that was out of place so did not feel safe proceeding further.
Concerningly, I have also found a large number (hundreds) of files that now appear as a black box with the words “EXEC” - no idea why as I have never seen them before & I fear that transferring all my Data from a Mavericks Super-Duper Back Up to an SSD with High Sierra has created them somehow & I now cannot open them. Also, I have NO IDEA how many more of the Black EXEC files are now on my system (as the usual search procedure does not produce them) & how to revert them back to normal.
Another things is, I have noticed is that many files in the Library folders have a “Text Wrangler” logo now on them which they did not have before? On many files, you can see this logo flash & disappear but on others it is there constantly.
I thought by upgrading to High Sierra & a newer version of Safari, I would not be kept asking to accept cookies all the time as was the case on Mavericks but not so it seems & I dearly wish to rectify.
The other app that is causing me headaches is Mail - it is acting very strange - getting messages like unable to delete mail, opening emails sometimes results in a blank grey page which then loses/deletes the email & mail keeps asking for passwords, not allowing to delete or placing deleted emails in wrong folders etc but I am happy to deal with Mail issues later as long I can get these MacOS/Safari/Files issues sorted first.
Please see attached etrecheck report in case it might provide some clues hopefully as well as example screen shots of the Black EXEC & Text Wrangler Issue files. I would be very grateful if someone would be kind enough to help resolve this issue with MacOS/Safari as honestly, the performance is almost the same as with HDD with all the issues which I was not expecting on an SSD with a much newer MacOS & Safari version - It's really crippling things!
Many Kind Thanks!
I recently upgraded my 2011 17” MBP with a HDD & 16GB RAM from Mavericks 10.9.5 & Safari 9.1.3 to an Samsung 860 Pro SSD (TRIM enabled) with High Sierra 10.13.6 (Mac OS Extended Journalled) & Safari 11.1.2 via Data Transfer from a SuperDuper Cloned Disk.
Before, on Mavericks 10.9.5 with Safari 9.1.3, I was getting numerous issues:
- Major problems with Jumping/Missing & Disappearing/Reappearing Cookies in the cookies pane
- Websites constantly asking me to accept cookies etc
- Lots of general sluggish performance issues including beach balling, slow responsiveness etc.
This worked wonders for a while & then things began to get back to being problematic again: lots of beach balling, slow responsiveness, lagging etc. This happens on most websites on Safari but is extremely bad on Ebay - it is just horrible with beach-balling & very slow responsiveness at nearly every click. On ebay, I also get a messages that state this webpage is using significant amount of resources & recommends that I close it down.
I disabled Safari extensions but it makes no difference at all.
I read somewhere that the Hard Drive Cable might be the issue but after finally trying out other browsers like Firefox & Chrome, I am now convinced that this is a MacOS/Safari issue - even though I have upgraded it to the latest version High Sierra can handle. These issues just do not happen on Firefox or Chrome & the laptop performs really great without any lag or beach balling.
The start up time is about 20 seconds & the shut down time is about 14 seconds which sounds about right I am told.
Even though I have upgraded both the OS & the HDD to SSD, on Safari, I am STILL getting lots of messages to accept cookies on numerous websites even though I have already accepted them many times & it is getting very frustrating. The whole performance of the MBP is vastly different when on Safari than when it is on say Firefox - on the latter, it is like a new, fast machine but on Safari, it is just like an old, slow unit with beach-balling & very slow, sluggish performance.
Something else I have also noticed & I do not know if it has any bearing but when on Safari, I notice that the SSD can get quite Warm/Hot (which I really did not expect an SSD to do) but when on Firefox, this does not happen?
As I transferred all my Data over to the High Sierra SSD from a Mavericks HDD SuperDuper Clone, I am also wondering if there might be some issues being caused by this like incompatible/conflicting files, OS Conflicts etc?
I tried to follow an Apple guide on dealing with Safari issues but found a number of folders missing that the guide referred to & stuff that was out of place so did not feel safe proceeding further.
Concerningly, I have also found a large number (hundreds) of files that now appear as a black box with the words “EXEC” - no idea why as I have never seen them before & I fear that transferring all my Data from a Mavericks Super-Duper Back Up to an SSD with High Sierra has created them somehow & I now cannot open them. Also, I have NO IDEA how many more of the Black EXEC files are now on my system (as the usual search procedure does not produce them) & how to revert them back to normal.
Another things is, I have noticed is that many files in the Library folders have a “Text Wrangler” logo now on them which they did not have before? On many files, you can see this logo flash & disappear but on others it is there constantly.
I thought by upgrading to High Sierra & a newer version of Safari, I would not be kept asking to accept cookies all the time as was the case on Mavericks but not so it seems & I dearly wish to rectify.
The other app that is causing me headaches is Mail - it is acting very strange - getting messages like unable to delete mail, opening emails sometimes results in a blank grey page which then loses/deletes the email & mail keeps asking for passwords, not allowing to delete or placing deleted emails in wrong folders etc but I am happy to deal with Mail issues later as long I can get these MacOS/Safari/Files issues sorted first.
Please see attached etrecheck report in case it might provide some clues hopefully as well as example screen shots of the Black EXEC & Text Wrangler Issue files. I would be very grateful if someone would be kind enough to help resolve this issue with MacOS/Safari as honestly, the performance is almost the same as with HDD with all the issues which I was not expecting on an SSD with a much newer MacOS & Safari version - It's really crippling things!
Many Kind Thanks!