Largely thanks to @B-G and his thread here I've shifted the duties to IceWeaselPPC (thanks @wicknix ) and MPlayer to stream Youtube on my 12" 1.33Ghz Powerbook running Tiger.
As we know, Tiger is pretty much out in the cold now for Youtube options with SMTube on hold and security protocols leaving Safari, TenFourKit, Camino and Omniweb behind but this is an effective solution for streaming using the Greasemonkey add-on running the Viewtube script.
All I've added to the recipe from @B-G is changing to IceWeasel running IE 8 user agent (to stop the processor hungry latest Youtube GUI), replacing the prefs.js file with my own and editing the viewtube handler script to include some hard framedrop parameters for MPlayer.
For best results, once you've clicked to play, hit cmd+m to minimise the browser - it adds over 20%CPU - minimised, MPlayer drives 360P at around 30% CPU - switching to 720P the CPU rises to between 50/80% depending on content. Going fullscreen is visually better and saves some cycles - I left it windowed in the screenshots just to show the CPU use.
EDIT: Use TonVid to search for videos, then click on the Play on Youtube button which will send you to Youtube which activates Viewtube.
The Viewtube script can be modified as per instructions by @vddrnnr to remove Youtube comments and sidebar. I've further modified script to automatically select VTP plugin choice and added instructions to viewtubehandler to automatically minimise IceWeaselPPC.
As we know, Tiger is pretty much out in the cold now for Youtube options with SMTube on hold and security protocols leaving Safari, TenFourKit, Camino and Omniweb behind but this is an effective solution for streaming using the Greasemonkey add-on running the Viewtube script.
All I've added to the recipe from @B-G is changing to IceWeasel running IE 8 user agent (to stop the processor hungry latest Youtube GUI), replacing the prefs.js file with my own and editing the viewtube handler script to include some hard framedrop parameters for MPlayer.
For best results, once you've clicked to play, hit cmd+m to minimise the browser - it adds over 20%CPU - minimised, MPlayer drives 360P at around 30% CPU - switching to 720P the CPU rises to between 50/80% depending on content. Going fullscreen is visually better and saves some cycles - I left it windowed in the screenshots just to show the CPU use.
EDIT: Use TonVid to search for videos, then click on the Play on Youtube button which will send you to Youtube which activates Viewtube.
The Viewtube script can be modified as per instructions by @vddrnnr to remove Youtube comments and sidebar. I've further modified script to automatically select VTP plugin choice and added instructions to viewtubehandler to automatically minimise IceWeaselPPC.
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