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macrumors newbie
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Jun 30, 2020
In 2019 I bought a gorgeous Macbook 12" that was super slim and fast. The problem was the useless keyboard that I had replaced once and then had to use an air compressor every few weeks to un-stick random keys. Since the virus locked down this drove me mad so I sold it.

10 days a go I bought the new Macbook Air and although it wasn't as slim as the MB 12, the keyboard was a joy. But the first time I used Teams or Skype or Zoom then the fan came on and I couldn't hear people. Got a refund.

On Saturday my new MBP 13" £1800 arrived. No fan noise!!! Happy :). But now I get a small tingle, vibration when ever it's plugged in the mains. Googled it and seems to be a problem with earthing the plug. What? How is this allowed? I can't find a fix in the UK?

I know it's just a mild tingle but for £1800 this shouldn't happen. Working at home means I'm plugged in all day.

Is there a MPB in the last few years with a good keyboard, no fan noise and no vibrating?? Help please.
On Saturday my new MBP 13" £1800 arrived. No fan noise!!! Happy :). But now I get a small tingle, vibration when ever it's plugged in the mains. Googled it and seems to be a problem with earthing the plug. What? How is this allowed?
This isn't a problem unique to Apple. In the US it's resolved by using the long extension cable which is now an extra cost option. Here's a link to the UK version:
Thank you for the quick reply and the link - feels really weird to have to pay an extra £20 to stop getting minor electric shocks. Has anyone got Apple in the UK to send for free?
Doubt you will be able to get it for free. It's a common issue. You can find the cable cheaper online or if you REALLy want to save you can mod your power brick with a wire.
Thank you for the quick reply and the link - feels really weird to have to pay an extra £20 to stop getting minor electric shocks. Has anyone got Apple in the UK to send for free?

Doesn't hurt to call and ask or take it into the store and ask. The worst they can say is no.
In 2019 I bought a gorgeous Macbook 12" that was super slim and fast. The problem was the useless keyboard that I had replaced once and then had to use an air compressor every few weeks to un-stick random keys. Since the virus locked down this drove me mad so I sold it.

10 days a go I bought the new Macbook Air and although it wasn't as slim as the MB 12, the keyboard was a joy. But the first time I used Teams or Skype or Zoom then the fan came on and I couldn't hear people. Got a refund.

On Saturday my new MBP 13" £1800 arrived. No fan noise!!! Happy :). But now I get a small tingle, vibration when ever it's plugged in the mains. Googled it and seems to be a problem with earthing the plug. What? How is this allowed? I can't find a fix in the UK?

I know it's just a mild tingle but for £1800 this shouldn't happen. Working at home means I'm plugged in all day.

Is there a MPB in the last few years with a good keyboard, no fan noise and no vibrating?? Help please.

If you ask me, you gave up on the MBA too early. It did the same for me too on its first day. But once everything was indexed, the fan issue had gotten under control and I largely love the machine. I did get a key temporarily stuck though.
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Had an online chat with Apple. First person said reset SMC - which sounds sensible, but didn't work. Next person said return it for a refund.

On my MBA every single time I had a conference call then the fans came on over 4 days. If I used headphones then I probably wouldn't hear them but I don't.

These are expensive, premium products and I don't understand what's going on.
Had an online chat with Apple. First person said reset SMC - which sounds sensible, but didn't work. Next person said return it for a refund.

On my MBA every single time I had a conference call then the fans came on over 4 days. If I used headphones then I probably wouldn't hear them but I don't.

These are expensive, premium products and I don't understand what's going on.
Apple had built a fantastic MBA but intentionally cheaped out on the heat management system so it won't compete with the MacBook Pro. I hate the touchbar so much I would never pay extra money to ever have to deal with it. So I guess your complaints are valid. The 2012-15 retina MBPs were the best machines ever built.
I bought a 2019 13 inch MBP last November. It has died on me twice(so far). I'm thinking an iMac is the best option right now. Macbooks will be great again with the ARM chips.
Apple had built a fantastic MBA but intentionally cheaped out on the heat management system so it won't compete with the MacBook Pro. I hate the touchbar so much I would never pay extra money to ever have to deal with it. So I guess your complaints are valid. The 2012-15 retina MBPs were the best machines ever built.

Still going strong with my 2014 MBP. I want so badly to like the new MBP's, but there's way too many issues and steps backwards.
OP wrote:
"These are expensive, premium products and I don't understand what's going on."

You were told "what's going on" in replies 2 and 4 above.

You need to buy the cable with the grounding plug.

It's as simple as that, and there's no other way to solve it.
Still going strong with my 2014 MBP. I want so badly to like the new MBP's, but there's way too many issues and steps backwards.
It was same with me until May. That machine had been insanely sturdy and ran robust until Catalina. I got to realize that a lot of the issues were actually Catalina and not hardware driven...
The tingling you feel is in no way harmful and is the product of weather conditions, your skin, and using a 2 prong un-grounded plug and perhaps you locations grounding. Use the grounded cable and you won't have troubleshoot these. And I bet this will disappear when the weather or your location changes.

The problem is not new or unique to Apple or it is it a defect. It has occurred since the early 2000s across many brands of laptops that came with a ungrounded plugs

I added more info into this thread on the same issue.
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The tingling you feel is in no way harmful and is the product of weather conditions, your skin, and using a 2 prong un-grounded plug and perhaps you locations grounding. Use the grounded cable and you won't have troubleshoot these. And I bet this will disappear when the weather or your location changes.

The problem is not new or unique to Apple or it is it a defect. It has occurred since the early 2000s across many brands of laptops that came with a ungrounded plugs
Sorry but don’t agree - if it can be cured by a decently earthed plug then it is a design fault / defect. What would this cost £1?

on the phone to Apple today and they said it is a fault.
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Sorry but don’t agree - if it can be cured by a decently earthed plug then it is a design fault / defect. What would this cost £1?

on the phone to Apple today and they said it is a fault.

Just find a friend with an old MacBook. They probably the cable lying around. I think I have 5 or 6. They have not change in 15 years or so. They used to ship MacBooks with this cable but stopped a few years back. Likely because most ended up in landfills. They make the system more bulky to carry around the charger and the cable.
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