As titled, stuck between deciding on the 13" or the 15". I will be using the computer for a multitude of tasks. These include but are not limited to:
Any suggestions are welcome.
TLDR; $2500 budget. Best bang for buck between 13" MBPtb and 15" MBPtb, give me your suggestion.
- Work
- Office Suite, Several internet browsers, potential VM with windows.
- Adobe Creative Suite
- School
- Mostly research, document creation, typical student use
- Play
- Lightroom and Adobe Suite heavily used for photography
- GoPro videos, so want something that can handle these files at 2/4K
- Multimedia use.. streaming, plex, etc while doing any of the above functions
Any suggestions are welcome.
TLDR; $2500 budget. Best bang for buck between 13" MBPtb and 15" MBPtb, give me your suggestion.