Okay, so some time ago i pulled the trigger on a brand new iMac, had it custom made with as many upgrades as i could afford. I bought a Mac because i have NO patience for stuff that doesn't work,. and i'm no computer expert (and realistically, to busy to ever become one). I wanted something i could plug in, and use and forget about it.
So, fast forward a few years, the thing's bogging down, bugging up (spent way too much time on spammy forums - one a particularly bad one i was admin on, and before that, Limewire). So, time to clean it out i figure, ask around, look it up (like i said, plug it in, forget)... and uh... hello... the damn thing is almost NINE years old. Hah! Ooops.
Hmmm... that might explain a few things.
Anyways, suddenly i've gone from 'how do i clean this thing up, back up the HD, fix the monitor (spiderweb lower right corner) and install/run another monitor for more screen space'... to Damn... i think i need a new computer. Hell... i need a new keyboard and my mouse is held together with tape.
As you can tell from my username... i'm not big on patience for electronics (stuff i know nothing about). I happen to have a LOT of important stuff on my HD, not the least of which is a massive cache of irreplaceable creative writing, about 10000 songs, and probably enough pictures to fill the rest of my HD (many also irreplaceable). After talking to a few computer guys today on my options, i'm suddenly VERY paranoid about my ancient (original) hard drive. Worse... the thing's taken a few knocks in its time too... getting moved from room to room, to the shop and back, etc. I'm on the thing an average of 4-6 hours a day, every day. Often a lot longer, and often when i'm not 'using' it, i keep it on for music.
The question: Obviously, a new rig is in order, apparently VERY quickly, not that i can afford it. I need to back up this stuff quickly, cheaply and easily. How is this best done? Obviously, i dont want to spend any money on this old computer. At this point i'd be happy just keeping my stuff safe until i can get a new computer.
Far as i can remember its the very first Intel Imac, 20" duo core 2g, 265gb(?), both ram and HD were upgraded. Its still on the 10.4.11 too. Until the past couple years, its been a great machine, and after spending all night reading about Macs its suddenly no surprise why its not working well. Hell... there might not even be anything wrong with it, might just be old...
So, suggestions? Am i right to be paranoid? Should i run out and buy a lottery ticket...???
So, fast forward a few years, the thing's bogging down, bugging up (spent way too much time on spammy forums - one a particularly bad one i was admin on, and before that, Limewire). So, time to clean it out i figure, ask around, look it up (like i said, plug it in, forget)... and uh... hello... the damn thing is almost NINE years old. Hah! Ooops.
Hmmm... that might explain a few things.
Anyways, suddenly i've gone from 'how do i clean this thing up, back up the HD, fix the monitor (spiderweb lower right corner) and install/run another monitor for more screen space'... to Damn... i think i need a new computer. Hell... i need a new keyboard and my mouse is held together with tape.
As you can tell from my username... i'm not big on patience for electronics (stuff i know nothing about). I happen to have a LOT of important stuff on my HD, not the least of which is a massive cache of irreplaceable creative writing, about 10000 songs, and probably enough pictures to fill the rest of my HD (many also irreplaceable). After talking to a few computer guys today on my options, i'm suddenly VERY paranoid about my ancient (original) hard drive. Worse... the thing's taken a few knocks in its time too... getting moved from room to room, to the shop and back, etc. I'm on the thing an average of 4-6 hours a day, every day. Often a lot longer, and often when i'm not 'using' it, i keep it on for music.
The question: Obviously, a new rig is in order, apparently VERY quickly, not that i can afford it. I need to back up this stuff quickly, cheaply and easily. How is this best done? Obviously, i dont want to spend any money on this old computer. At this point i'd be happy just keeping my stuff safe until i can get a new computer.
Far as i can remember its the very first Intel Imac, 20" duo core 2g, 265gb(?), both ram and HD were upgraded. Its still on the 10.4.11 too. Until the past couple years, its been a great machine, and after spending all night reading about Macs its suddenly no surprise why its not working well. Hell... there might not even be anything wrong with it, might just be old...
So, suggestions? Am i right to be paranoid? Should i run out and buy a lottery ticket...???