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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2011

I have to use svnX for my courses and I can't find a way to identify myself to svnX when trying to solve the certificate thing with a https adress.

So basically I enter my information in the repositories window, and when I try to connect to svn, I get the error code that says svn can't add the certificate.

So I go to the terminal app and type "svn ls <url of the svn server>"

instead of having the message that ask me if I accept or decline the certificate I get :

Authentication realm: <> Authentification IDUL/NIP
Password for 'myname':

Now the IDUL and NIP is the username and password I use to identify myself when using all my online services provided by my college. I entered those information in the "working copied" and the "repositories" windows too.

Now I don't know what to do with this authentification message that I get when I type svn ls in the terminal window, can somebody help me with this ?

Thanks in advance!


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Sep 26, 2011

This application is getting on my nerves already; I suceed in identifying myself in the terminal window, I wasn't being able to type anything when trying to put my usr/pass , but by pushing the enter button, "username :" and "password: " appeared. Now it seems that I can see the entire list of files that already are on our server, yet I can't have any acess through svnX, as I get the same certificate error message. I didn't get the chance to accept the certificate in the terminal window ! I just typed my username and my password and the list of the files popped up...

I am short on time as it is the only method I can use to share files quickly within my class, can somebody help me with this ?



macrumors newbie
Nov 27, 2017
Every time when a reposit is added/opened it's throwing an error svn: E155007: 'XXXXXXXXX' is not a working copy.
Please help in same
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