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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Anyone else seeing an issue with Safari where the swipe back feature for returning to the previous web page is not working? Over the past 24 hours been using Safari exclusively and noticing its not working at all.

Am running Developer Beta RC2.

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I know this is months old, but I had this issue. To the OP, if you are still having this issue, and still around... are you using a two monitor setup? In my case, I realized I was only having this issue on the external display, which is a 27" 4K. No issues when swiping the same window over to the internal screen on my 2018 MBP. Perhaps MacOS having issues detecting how far you are swiping back because of the difference in the resolution? Not sure, but I know that isolated my issue. Hope that helps.
Not working on my 2020 MacBook Air M1.

On my 2012 MacBook Pro I could three finger swipe to the right and it would reveal another page (Dashboard) containing calculator, conversion chart etc. But three finger swipe does nothing on my MacBook Air. Has Dashboard been removed?

Any way to get this back please?
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Dashboard was removed in macOS 10.15.

So I've discovered :(
I've come from a 2012 MacBook to my 2020 MacBook Air M1, so have missed out on a few OS updates.

Strange move by Apple, especially as the calculator in Mission Control can't be put into Notifications/Hot Corners as a widget. I've had to add it to the dock, which I try and keep fairly empty.

I also miss the conversion widget in Dashboard, it was useful for converting all sorts of measurements etc. Anyone able to recommend a conversion app?

I see Caffeine has also gone form the App Store, which I also loved. Thankfully PopClip still exists which has to be my favourite app by far.
Caffeine is a dead app, the developer stopped working on the app and open-sourced the code for the app–someone has tried to maintain the app under the original name, but Amphetamine is the real successor, which is available on the Mac App Store.

Use the Spotlight search bar for quick/simple calculations, no need to put the calculator in the dock if that's all you need it for. Spotlight also does quick/simple conversions.
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