Hi all. While in clamshell mode (connected to an external display; lid closed), when I restart my MacBook Pro, while holding down the option key to be able to switch to Bootcamp, the computer just restarts MacOS again and I can't seem to go to the screen to select the OS I want to start up with.
This screen is what I'm trying to get to -- http://tssdr1.thessdreview1.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/BootCamp.jpg
Any solutions?
PS: I'm using a wireless keyboard with my MBP in clamshell but used the same with an iMac and had no issues being able to switch OS's by restarting.
This screen is what I'm trying to get to -- http://tssdr1.thessdreview1.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/BootCamp.jpg
Any solutions?
PS: I'm using a wireless keyboard with my MBP in clamshell but used the same with an iMac and had no issues being able to switch OS's by restarting.