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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 24, 2013
I have a synology server connected to my router. Everything is usually fine, except when i want to mount the drives through my Macs.
Im on 10.11 but I noticed this before hand:
I go to the 'shared' or network in Finder and my diskstation is there. I click on it, and it says almost immediately, 'connection failed.' I can try 'Connect as' but nothing new.
I enabled the guest account, this didnt seem to help.
But if I type the ip into the 'go to server' it works instantly, allows me to log in, and then mount the drives. However, after about 5 minutes if I try to go back, they all disappear and I need to remount them all.
I have a user set up as the log in name of my 2 macs each, with the password identical to the log in password for the user on the mac. they have permission as admin just to be sure and r/w access to all folders.
Anyone know why I cant log in from the finder but can through Connect to server?
You have a valid user id for the connection/share?
Is it enabled for CIFS or do you have Mac File System enabled too??

Not sure why you'd want to use guest, just go for a registered users.

I know i have the MFS enabled, not sure about CIFS.
Im not using Guest, I just read that it might cause problems if its disabled. I connect to server with a reg admin account. I've saved that login in my keychain. Maybe the issue is there?
Keychain shouldn't be an issue, i don't have to put in credentials to connect to the various shares/folders.
Check the services in control panel, then check the shares.


I checked the permissions, although Admin didnt have r/w access, my 'osx' names both did. Part of the problem I think is that Im not even connecting To the diskstation, like, I can see it, but when I try to connect it doesnt reply. Might not be a permission thing.
I click on it in shared and it takes 10 seconds before I get the 'connection failed'
but I can ping the IP and Diskstation.local and get 6ms replies on both..
You can go into the info centre and run the "test connection" to see if they are working correctly.

Windows File Services and Mac File Services
you can also test via the browser smb://<name>
After testing, the Lan Accessible. Which I can, if I go to 'connect to server' and use either AFP or diskstation.local. Just cant click the network share link and get it to ask me to log in
Yeah thats correct - once you enter a user/password it should show you a list of shares available.
If they are greyed out, they are already connected. the dark ones you should be able to mount..

if you cant - try unmounting the server from finder.
Right, thats GREAT if I connect via 'Go' then 'Connect to server'
But if I bypass those, and just Click on the Diskstation in the shared list on the side bar, i get a time out and 'connection failed' <- that is what im trying to fix.
Right, thats GREAT if I connect via 'Go' then 'Connect to server'
But if I bypass those, and just Click on the Diskstation in the shared list on the side bar, i get a time out and 'connection failed' <- that is what im trying to fix.

Pardon me for reviving such an old thread, but this problem still persists even today.

What worked for me was just relaunching the Finder.

Easy way to do this is to hold down the option key and right-click the Finder icon in the dock, and then select "Relaunch". The option to Relaunch will only show up if you're holding the option key.


If that doesn't do the trick right off, delete the login credentials for the Synology Disk Sation In the Keychain App. Relaunch Finder again. You should get a pop-up requesting user name and password to access the Synology AFP Disk Station shares.

Hope this helps others out there.

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Pardon me for reviving such an old thread, but this problem still persists even today.

What worked for me was just relaunching the Finder.

Easy way to do this is to hold down the option key and right-click the Finder icon in the dock, and then select "Relaunch". The option to Relaunch will only show up if you're holding the option key.


If that doesn't do the trick right off, delete the login credentials for the Synology Disk Sation In the Keychain App. Relaunch Finder again. You should get a pop-up requesting user name and password to access the Synology AFP Disk Station shares.

Hope this helps others out there.

Ugh, I'm having the same problem and came here hoping someone had found a better solution than relaunching Finder.
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