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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 16, 2017
Toronto, Canada
Anyone else experience a leap in the size of System Data reported since 12.6.3?

MacBook Air (2017) here and it seems to have jumped significantly since the install - currently using 100 GB, leaving me just 55GB free. Previously hovering around 130 GB free.

I have run both Onyx and CleanMyMac X (both of which offer the ability to get rid of local Time Machine images, misc caches and free up purgeable space), but the results seem to be the same.

I know this issue pops up and is reported on every once in awhile, but I rarely read of a definitive fix. Further experience with 12.6.3 and thoughts on this? Or do we just wait to see if it's another unintended 'feature' created by Apple and see if it gets a fix in next update?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
May 16, 2017
Toronto, Canada
UPDATE (and now on 12.6.5):

Happened to be at a Genius Bar on an unrelated item and mentioned this System Data issue and the steps I had tried to no avail, and that piqued the Genius' interest. Did a deep dive into the Library and we found the culprit.

After I did one of the Monterey updates, I also decided to uninstall the standalone Microsoft OneDrive from my laptop.
A drag on resources, not essential for me and just as accessible online via a browser, I got rid of it.

Turns out, it's uninstall left behind a massive 75GB artifact in (My User name) > Library > Group Containers. Had to tweak it's settings to fully uninstall it, but once done, the vague and ubiquitous 'System Data' significantly reduced, leaving me 140GB free. Genius was surprised by what we found and the end result.

Even when using apps that profess to fully uninstall apps, its clear there's a lot of work still to be done on that front.
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