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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 8, 2003
Hey all, I am using my PB in clamshell mode quite extensively at work now. When I manually put it to sleep (apple menu/sleep) to go to lunch or whatever, it locks up when I wake it back up. The apps work, but the right half of the menu bar freezes up and then the whole comp as I start closing out apps, bad enough that I have to do a hard reset.

This time, I was able to launch activity monitor and observed the SystemUIServer process was not responding. I couldn't quit the process from within activity monitor, so I went to the terminal to kill the process after I found the PID. Killing the process turned off that half of the menu bar and seemed to solve the lockup, but I don't know how to (or if I can) restart the process.

I haven't added any new software in a while, but I am connecting to an exchange server over the network. When this first started happening, I tried shutting down any network reliant apps and loggin out of any mounted shares. That didn't seem to make a difference.

Anyone seen this before? Any suggestions would be helpful.


I remember there was an issue with AirPort on PowerBooks crashing SystemUIServer but I thought it got fixed a while ago. All the same, try turning AirPort off and see if it still happens.

Also, can we assume you don't have any sort of hacks installed (FrontRow, theme changer etc.)? :)
mad jew said:
I remember there was an issue with AirPort on PowerBooks crashing SystemUIServer but I thought it got fixed a while ago. All the same, try turning AirPort off and see if it still happens.

I'll try that.

Also, can we assume you don't have any sort of hacks installed (FrontRow, theme changer etc.)? :)

Nope, I'm pretty boring. No hacks. I am running MenuMeter, but i've had that for a long time.
Hmm… ”SystemUIServer lockup after sleep” just happened to me in OS X 10.11.6, i.e. 10 years later and it can still happen it seems. :-|
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