My brother has Tmobile and he lives fairly close to me, and works in NYC. He hates it, but has learned to rely on wifi calling and likes the perks. He has trouble even in NYC, which I would think would be a strong point for Tmobile, but it isn't for him.
My biggest issue, besides overall spotty or non-existent reception, was indoor coverage. With Band 12 I'm excited if that actually gives me indoor reception.
Still, it makes me wonder how Tmobile will stay alive. It seems like they are burning the candle on both ends. Trying to build out a network, and also offering all these freebies and perks must be expensive. But power is in numbers, and Tmobile is smart to make such a strong push to continue to increase their numbers. I'd be curious as to their churn rate versus other carriers, and how much of those new customers end up leaving once they experience the reception issues.