Before viewing their map, you are now prompted for the device you are using. If you select a device with Band 12 which in other words supports their "Extended Range LTE", you are given their map which includes Extended Range LTE (700 MHz). If you select a device that does not have Band 12, it shows the regular map without "Extended Range LTE".
I think this is great because it won't mislead people about their coverage. For example if someone has an iPhone 6 which lacks band 12, the coverage will be much worse than what was previously presented on the map. The map still probably isn't even any good no matter what but it's good to see they are making efforts to not mislead people.
They also moved away from the map showing 2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE. It simply says "4G LTE - Excellent Signal", "4G LTE - Good Signal", "4G LTE - Fair Signal", and "Talk, Text & Non-LTE Data". All in varying shades of magenta, with a stripe pattern on non-LTE. I think the Excellent/Good/Fair LTE is good but I can't agree with the "Non-LTE" label, that would include 2G, 3G, and 4G. 4G is a hell of a lot better than 2G, it's good to know what you may (or may not be) getting.
EDIT: Once you tap on the "Non-LTE" areas, it clarifies if it is 2G, 3G, etc. They also redid the notes that go along with the LTE areas, clarifying what Fair, Good, or Excellent means in terms of indoor and outdoor coverage, big buildings, etc.
I think this is great because it won't mislead people about their coverage. For example if someone has an iPhone 6 which lacks band 12, the coverage will be much worse than what was previously presented on the map. The map still probably isn't even any good no matter what but it's good to see they are making efforts to not mislead people.
They also moved away from the map showing 2G, 3G, 4G, and LTE. It simply says "4G LTE - Excellent Signal", "4G LTE - Good Signal", "4G LTE - Fair Signal", and "Talk, Text & Non-LTE Data". All in varying shades of magenta, with a stripe pattern on non-LTE. I think the Excellent/Good/Fair LTE is good but I can't agree with the "Non-LTE" label, that would include 2G, 3G, and 4G. 4G is a hell of a lot better than 2G, it's good to know what you may (or may not be) getting.
EDIT: Once you tap on the "Non-LTE" areas, it clarifies if it is 2G, 3G, etc. They also redid the notes that go along with the LTE areas, clarifying what Fair, Good, or Excellent means in terms of indoor and outdoor coverage, big buildings, etc.