Any suggestions would be awesome and I have tried everything I can find. iPhone XS Max with T-Mobile all I get is call voicemail button when I go to visual voicemail. I am amost to the point of just returning the phone. Please help I’ll try anything
Any suggestions would be awesome and I have tried everything I can find. iPhone XS Max with T-Mobile all I get is call voicemail button when I go to visual voicemail. I am amost to the point of just returning the phone. Please help I’ll try anything
I bought it right from the T-Mobile store.If you bought it as an unlocked iPhone, you might be out of luck.
Call T-Mobile or contact T-Force on Facebook or Twitter. They have to activate something on their end.Any suggestions would be awesome and I have tried everything I can find. iPhone XS Max with T-Mobile all I get is call voicemail button when I go to visual voicemail. I am amost to the point of just returning the phone. Please help I’ll try anything
Been messaging them since Thursday still no goodCall T-Mobile or contact T-Force on Facebook or Twitter. They have to activate something on their end.
I bought it right from the T-Mobile store.
OK.Been messaging them since Thursday still no good
How long is it supposed to stay on this screen?I had this happen and I’m on AT&T. I ended up fixing it by changing my Voicemail password. Go to Settings > Phone > Change Voicemail Password. After that VV should start working.
Same here just takes forever and does nothingHow long is it supposed to stay on this screen?
Mine has been "Saving password" for the last ten minutes…
How long is it supposed to stay on this screen?
Mine has been "Saving password" for the last ten minutes…
Any suggestions would be awesome and I have tried everything I can find. iPhone XS Max with T-Mobile all I get is call voicemail button when I go to visual voicemail. I am amost to the point of just returning the phone. Please help I’ll try anything
If you bought it as an unlocked iPhone, you might be out of luck.
Been messaging them since Thursday still no good
This is bad info. Locked or unlocked, Apple Store or T-Mobile store doesn't have any bearing on Visual Voicemail.
Tell that to T-mobile since they have told me different countless times. So who/what has bearing on Visual Voicemail?
Well, my iPhone is unlocked and purchased through Apple, as all my iPhones have been for the past 5 or 6 years (on sim free and then iUP) and visual voicemail works just fine. If it didn't, this would be a much much larger issue and many more threads considering the possibly millions of ppl on TMO who are on iUP or purchased SIM free or came from AT&T or Verizon with device unlocked.
It's definitely backend systems and the phone's info being entered into this TMO system correctly that are needed to make VVM work. But being unlocked has nothing to do with that. Absolutely nothing. I suspect you got some misinformed reps. There's nothing listed in their support docs that say it has to be unlocked either.
Being unlocked from Apple does make a difference, as there is a certain point(after exhausting everything they can possibly do) T-mobile will say they simply can't help you out any longer if the phone wasn't bought from a T-mobile store.
What I stated in post #7, is the only thing that worked for me both times I had the issue. Which was advice from others with the same issue.