Thought I would share this. Ordered a tech21 Evo Elite case for my iPhone 7 online from that company on September 15, 2016 and never received it. I wrote them twice with no response. Also called them but they only allowed me to leave a voicemail. That call was never returned.
Never heard back from them at all until a form email I received on Oct. 14. That said:
We're sorry...
We know it's taking longer than we'd like to get your tech21 case and we understand how frustrating this must be for you and how important it is to keep your new iPhone protected.
Unfortunately it's because demand has far exceeded our expectations and we've temporarily run out of stock of your case.
We're doing everything we can to get new stock in as quickly as possible, but we don't want to leave you waiting any longer without a protected phone.
Therefore, we'd like to offer you a free case to keep you covered until you receive your original order.
There's no catch, just reply to this email saying 'Yes please' and confirm your address and phone number, and we'll send your emergency iPhone case straight away.
Well I did that right away but still nothing from tech21. No "free" case has yet arrived.
I'm out $50. and don't see how i'd ever buy a case from these guys again.
Thanks for nothing tech21.
Meanwhile, the Apple leather case I bought as a substitute is great.
Never heard back from them at all until a form email I received on Oct. 14. That said:
We're sorry...
We know it's taking longer than we'd like to get your tech21 case and we understand how frustrating this must be for you and how important it is to keep your new iPhone protected.
Unfortunately it's because demand has far exceeded our expectations and we've temporarily run out of stock of your case.
We're doing everything we can to get new stock in as quickly as possible, but we don't want to leave you waiting any longer without a protected phone.
Therefore, we'd like to offer you a free case to keep you covered until you receive your original order.
There's no catch, just reply to this email saying 'Yes please' and confirm your address and phone number, and we'll send your emergency iPhone case straight away.
Well I did that right away but still nothing from tech21. No "free" case has yet arrived.
I'm out $50. and don't see how i'd ever buy a case from these guys again.
Thanks for nothing tech21.
Meanwhile, the Apple leather case I bought as a substitute is great.