In about three years iPhone will be 20 years old. If nothing drastic happens, 2027 iPhone model will be pretty similar to current ones. Which are more or less similar to original iPhone. That’s 20 years of “advancement”. If we compare it to the previous 20 years 1987-2007 the advancement looks very different. What happened?
Ever since I saw Hololens I thought Microsoft may retain a lead with this, even if Apple did the usual thing of taking everyone else's stuff after a few years and making it Karen friendly / idiot resistant for their core userbase, but since MS have (as is the usual Nadella leadership case at this point) basically thrown their hardware towels in, I'm now betting an evolved Vision
will be the next 'everyone has one' thing.
Right now it's kinda looking like the iPod at the very start of the 2000's. While other things existed in the space, it made it cool to consumers. But it was a little too expensive for most to use as a toy, so it begat a load of Asian clones that in some cases may had better hardware, but weren't anywhere near as transparent in terms of operation for your average idiot. What made iPod succeed wasn't actually the hardware, it was the software behind it. And Apple with their dev fanbase - that still falls right in line with whatever Apple dictates, and fast - is again very well placed to be in the same position. Soon we'll see a bunch of Vision clones that will fall by the wayside because of a lack of good dev support.
I suspect the first actually portable Vision will use the iPhone as a base station in effect, but over time as wearing one becomes a) socially acceptable and b) compact enough to be worn for all-day use with the battery, that will be the inflection point that basically causes the iPhone and Vision to become one, and for that to be the new phone that everyone has.
And after that, Apple will again coopt someone else - in this instance, what Neuralink/etc are doing - and the way the Vision works will bleed evermore into what we think is cyberpunk, ending up driving social fracture / the wealth gap ever deeper. I don't doubt in the future you'll be judged not for blue bubbles among your vacuous peer group, but on which brand of neural interface you have.
Given the Hololens development timeline that I was originally anticipating, I honestly expected true dystopia to arrive a bit earlier than it will with Vision.