Heh, I can still type proficiently with a stylus. Sometimes I do it with my Jot on my iPhone if I'm doing something with it already.
Been thinking about this since I first saw this thread last month...
I can't say I'm amazed by it all because I was too young to be daydreaming the future, and I was experiencing the evolving of technology as it was happening in the early 90's. The only thing that amuses me is that I got to see Flash at its beginnings, and I got to see it become one of the most hated platforms.
Once my dad started dragging around laptops for me to use while he worked on the weekends, knew I was going to do that for the rest of my life. And when I saw a Palm device for the first time, knew I was going to be using a PDA in the not so distance future - Which I eventually got, a Pocket PC. Then the iPhone came out, which was great.
I like my iPad, but it's like an extension to my Mac, and what will most likely eventually happen is that I get rid of it and just stick to my Macs. I don't lose anything because 90% of what I use has a Mac counterpart which is better. Plus, I use it with a keyboard except when I'm reading or drawing. I have a Tablet PC, but I much prefer to use a standalone graphics tablet because it gives me the extra buttons which one benefits when drawing or doing whatever along with easy access to the keyboard.