I recently bought a late 2012 as a fuss-free light office use/web browsing machine and it is temperamental to say the least. On arrival it refused to power on. I went through all the most obvious tricks: resetting the SMC, changing the power cables, power points etc. After about 15 minutes of fussing and just before I was going to rebox it and return it, it booted.
Now, it works perfectly well once running but if I shut it down, it invariably refuses to start from cold.
I have found the best solution is to leave it unplugged for about half an hour then retry, resetting the SMC each attempt and after a few minutes of that it starts again.
I located the relevant ASD disc as the AHT had been wiped off by the seller and it passed every test. I have taken the unit apart and there doesn’t appear to be any obvious damage. The previous owner said it had had little use and the unit was very clean with barely any dust inside. It came with stock components. Also the screw heads indicated that nobody had done any work inside. I pulled out the PSU and tested it. It gave out 12V over all the relevant wires. The PRAM battery was still good giving the full 3V.
Is there any other obvious thing I have missed with this? I am loath to shut this machine down at any stage as it is an absolute pain to get going again. Has anyone ever encountered anything similar to this and did you find any solution besides returning the Mac Mini or scrapping the logic board?
Spec is the base 2.5GHz dual core processor with 4GB of RAM and a 500GB spinning hard drive.
Now, it works perfectly well once running but if I shut it down, it invariably refuses to start from cold.
I have found the best solution is to leave it unplugged for about half an hour then retry, resetting the SMC each attempt and after a few minutes of that it starts again.
I located the relevant ASD disc as the AHT had been wiped off by the seller and it passed every test. I have taken the unit apart and there doesn’t appear to be any obvious damage. The previous owner said it had had little use and the unit was very clean with barely any dust inside. It came with stock components. Also the screw heads indicated that nobody had done any work inside. I pulled out the PSU and tested it. It gave out 12V over all the relevant wires. The PRAM battery was still good giving the full 3V.
Is there any other obvious thing I have missed with this? I am loath to shut this machine down at any stage as it is an absolute pain to get going again. Has anyone ever encountered anything similar to this and did you find any solution besides returning the Mac Mini or scrapping the logic board?
Spec is the base 2.5GHz dual core processor with 4GB of RAM and a 500GB spinning hard drive.