I'm getting ready to refresh/re-paste/Northbridge re-anchor my 4,1 and three 5,1 machines. I've read quite a few threads where people generically reference their "temps" as being "high" without specifying which temp they're measuring and what the reading is, and, while seeing snippets of guidance, haven't found the info all gathered in one place.
So, I'd like to ask, for a 3.46GHz dual processor (let's take probably the hottest setup here):
Which temps are important to monitor (I assume the CPU A, CPU B, and Northbridge Tdiodes)?
Which deltas are important to monitor?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered normal?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered high?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered shutdown time?
I'm assuming the standard Mac fan control program here. I expect the fan speeds are probably part of the equation as well, as the fans could speed up and actually mask a potentially hot component.
For those of you using custom fan profiles or adding additional cooling:
What temperature range for each sensor and/or delta would be considered ideal?
I assume all that work is meant to meet some target, right?
I'm doing benchmarks (temps at idle and after running the Prime95 torture test for an hour) before and after to see if my work improved anything, but it would be quite helpful to know a) if there's anything abnormal about their current condition, and b) what good targets are for the temps after my work is done.
So, I'd like to ask, for a 3.46GHz dual processor (let's take probably the hottest setup here):
Which temps are important to monitor (I assume the CPU A, CPU B, and Northbridge Tdiodes)?
Which deltas are important to monitor?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered normal?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered high?
What temperature range for each important sensor and/or delta would be considered shutdown time?
I'm assuming the standard Mac fan control program here. I expect the fan speeds are probably part of the equation as well, as the fans could speed up and actually mask a potentially hot component.
For those of you using custom fan profiles or adding additional cooling:
What temperature range for each sensor and/or delta would be considered ideal?
I assume all that work is meant to meet some target, right?
I'm doing benchmarks (temps at idle and after running the Prime95 torture test for an hour) before and after to see if my work improved anything, but it would be quite helpful to know a) if there's anything abnormal about their current condition, and b) what good targets are for the temps after my work is done.