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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 15, 2008
Happy Friday you guys,

Well heres the thing. You guys all know how bad windows copy and paste (files) sucks. OS X is similar.

Meaning if your trying to copy a folder, lets say 30 GB, and an error occurs for some reason the whole process terminates. Thats why i love teracopy for Windows. which allows you to skip the file thats causing the problem and resume copying.

So what I'm asking is if there's a similar program for Mac OSX?
Just wondering the same thing myself. Would love to be able to queue up copies (and moves) rather than having multiple copies going at once (hence slowing them down to intolerable levels). Pausing would be nice too.

Teracopy helped make Vista semi-usable for me at my last job. A Mac port would be VERY welcomed.

Are there any Mac equivalences?
the same problem

I have the same problem ... please do u know some similar software for mac ?

I am looking for a program that does exactly the same thing for OSX. Anyone got anything?

TeraCopy - Mac Equivalent

Bumping this thread...

Anyone know of a Mac equivalent for this program?

I've been trying to copy 80gb of files and the copy process aborts right in the middle with no way to resume.

Any suggestions?

Though not completely what's being looked for here, I recommend giving Grsync a go. It's essentially a GUI wrapper around the rysnc command.
I too am seeking a Teracopy-like program for OSX. I've moved my server from a PC to my Mac and I'm reorganizing and sorting several terabytes worth of materials, and OSXs copy has failed me one too many times. It also lacks the ability to merge folders of the same name, but with different content. It'll just overwrite one with the other. WTF Apple?

I'm guessing by the lack of answers in this year old thread that we're just out of luck on this one. Time for Boot Camp I guess. Sigh.
learn some UNIX and use the rsync command, or use a GUI based rsync utility like: Synchronize Pro X, ArRsync, Rsync X, etc
Uh, one shouldn't have to learn Unix and drop to the terminal just to conduct some basic COPY and PASTE functions.

Seriously. Even Windows can merge folders with a simple copy.. there's no reason OSX can't do this in the UI.

When a large multi-folder copy fails partway through, there's NO way to resume it easily, it's a nightmare of combing through folders until you find exactly where the copy petered out and a lot of manual copy/paste from there.

I'm astonished that such a polished OS is lacking in this area. Come on Apple, fix this! In the meantime, does anyone know a GUI utility that handles copy/paste better?
In the meantime, does anyone know a GUI utility that handles copy/paste better?
I'm going to bump this to see if anyone have an answer a few months later. Here is a link to teracopy which is not exactly a backup/synch utility but a file copier/mover with a lot of great features.
Teracopy :apple:, where is it??
I guess it does not exist any good alternative for mac.:(

I tried to move a 120 GB folder from my external usb drive (ntfs) to my external firewire drive (ntfs) but OSXs standard file copier stopped after a few seconds giving some weird error. :confused:

I then downloaded a rsync utility like advised in this thread and started copying... after 1 hour and 20 minutes I gave up. It had copied 17 GB in that time :eek:

Booted into windows and I am now using teracopy getting great speeds between the drives. I give up on finding a worthy software for OSX.
I agree, it's an abomination the way Finder handles merging. The arguments I've heard from Mac extremists for years only take into account moving one or two small folders. Most projects these days have directories nested 100 levels deep.

Paying for what is basic functionality is a disgrace. Dropping to the shell is a pain, and I believe not a viable solution to what is clearly bad design by Apple. As a switcher, even after 3 years I wince everytime I have to do serious file management in Finder... even to the point of firing up Windows in VMWare to complete the task... :mad:

Pathfinder may be an option... and works as you'd expect when handling multi level folder merging.

You can try the following -

These are more for synchronising folders across media / machines; but they'll achieve what you need.

This thread is interesting, and the comments from mason.kramer are spot on:
yes,minicopier is good,it's light weighted and simple to use.
I also find ultracopier which looks like minicopier and has more settings but not so convinient
Uh, one shouldn't have to learn Unix and drop to the terminal just to conduct some basic COPY and PASTE functions.

Seriously. Even Windows can merge folders with a simple copy.. there's no reason OSX can't do this in the UI.

When a large multi-folder copy fails partway through, there's NO way to resume it easily, it's a nightmare of combing through folders until you find exactly where the copy petered out and a lot of manual copy/paste from there.

I'm astonished that such a polished OS is lacking in this area. Come on Apple, fix this! In the meantime, does anyone know a GUI utility that handles copy/paste better?

You may have a point, but the user you are replying to did give some suggestiong so for a GUI to accomplish the same task.

Carbon Copy Cloner will do a block level copy from one drive to another, and you can select to only copy certain folders in an incremental method.

It's really more for cloning and backing up your important data to a second drive, but It could work for many of you.

And you don't really need to know unix to do a copy in a terminal.

Opent the terminal, then type

cp <path to file/filename.extension> <path to new location/>


cp ./Documents/taxes.xls /Volumes/BUDrive/2009TaxInfo/

This will copy the file taxes.xls from my home folder which is where I'm at when I first open the External drive 'BUDrive' and place it in the folder on that drive called '2009TaxInfo'.

the './' signifies 'starting in my present location'

To copy folders and their contents and ignore errors try this....

cp -rf <path to folder to be copied> <path to folder copying to> 2>/dev/null

cp - copy command
-rf - r is recursive (copy everything in the folder(s), f force the copy even if the destination file exists.
2>/dev/null - should tell the system that if there are any errors to send the sterr messages to /dev/null (a bit bucket in linux), kind of like telling it to ignore the errors and keep going.

I haven't tried this on Mac so be patient and let me know if you need more help.

This should work, too.

Just copy/paste into an AppleScript window and run. Not as pretty as some, but it keeps the user away from the command line.

It also creates a log so if there's an error, it should show up in a "Logs" folder inside the Documents folder.


on twoDigits(testValue)
	set testString to testValue as string
	if length of testString = 2 then
		return testString
	else if length of testString = 1 then
		return "0" & testString
	else if length of testString > 2 then
		return (characters 3 through 4 of testString) as string
		return testString
	end if
end twoDigits

set dateItem to current date

set dateString to twoDigits(1 * (month of dateItem)) & "-" & twoDigits(1 * (day of dateItem)) & "-" & (twoDigits((year of dateItem)))

set docPath to (path to documents folder) as string

set logPath to docPath & "Logs:"

tell application "Finder"
	if not (exists folder logPath) then
		make new folder at docPath with properties {name:"Logs"}
	end if
end tell

set sourceFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select folder of files you want to copy"
set TargetFolder to choose folder with prompt "Now choose folder where you want the files to go"

set sourceDir to quoted form of POSIX path of sourceFolder

set targetDir to quoted form of POSIX path of TargetFolder

set optionString to "-vvptuir --progress"
set excludeString to "--exclude=" & quote & ".*/" & quote

set rsyncString to "rsync" & space & optionString ¬
	& space & excludeString & space & sourceDir & ¬
	space & targetDir

set fileNameString to "'Copy Report - " & dateString & ".txt'"

set outputString to " > ~/Documents/Logs/" & fileNameString

do shell script rsyncString & outputString
Teracopy Maker switched to Mac himself

I find myself in a lack of a software like Teracopy and wrote to the programmer.

He switched to Mac not so long ago and hopefully he will make an OSX version. Unfortunately he has no experience in coding for Mac - so far at least! ;)
So let's hope he'll get grip soon. I'll buy his software as long as it's not as expensive as Pathfinder (40 bucks, no way!).

Please fix the copy dialog box - apple

More than a year on from the last post in this thread, and it seems like there is still no solution to this problem. I have read that the file copier dialog box in the newly released Mac OS Lion has a new merge option, but beyond that is still simplistic and ******. I also looked at photos of the new file copier in Lion, and it doesn't look up to scratch, and many users are reporting they don't even have this "new" feature on Lion [when I say "new", I mean an updated copy dialog should have been around years and years ago, instead of this retarded piece of crap].

Please apple, I love nearly everything you do, but as I am somebody who goes through a ton of files and who likes to manage my files myself, this lack of basic functionality rapes hours of my time and really ruins my experience at a mac [which is otherwise great].
Sadly, this is getting to be a real deal-breaker for me, and I might consider a move to Windows 7 which has an excellent and informative copy dialog with many options on it, as the hours I waste on trying to manage my files on a mac stack up and up [I would say days of my life wasted, actually].
And convenience is what I want : We are not all Coding Artists like yourselves.
I REALLY don't want to do this, but this seemingly small thing just really hobbles your OS for me. Very much an Achilles Heel. Incredibly inconvenient.

I can do on windows 7 in a couple of hours what it would take me DAYS to do on a mac, in this regard.

Please somebody at Apple, can you please study the Windows 7 file copy dialog with it's options, this very great utility and options it gives the user, and then implement it. Microsoft has taken so many of Apple's innovations. Maybe you can pinch this basic thing.

I may go on to explain what these options are about, but I have to sleep now.

And here I need help to implement interception of copy from finder of mac for ultracopier 0.3 (will have multiple interface and way to present the information).
The performance and data will be boosted to.
not that this is the best solution but it worked for me. Compress your files into a .zip and move them over. Was trying to move 30,000 files (fonts) to my dropbox and was getting errors.

I can't believe that 5 years later we still don't have a mac tera copy. Yet tera copy is still the best program for windows. If I was a programer I would totally make this and charge a couple bucks for it.
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