Please fix the copy dialog box - apple
More than a year on from the last post in this thread, and it seems like there is still no solution to this problem. I have read that the file copier dialog box in the newly released Mac OS Lion has a new merge option, but beyond that is still simplistic and ******. I also looked at photos of the new file copier in Lion, and it doesn't look up to scratch, and many users are reporting they don't even have this "new" feature on Lion [when I say "new", I mean an updated copy dialog should have been around years and years ago, instead of this retarded piece of crap].
Please apple, I love nearly everything you do, but as I am somebody who goes through a ton of files and who likes to manage my files myself, this lack of basic functionality rapes hours of my time and really ruins my experience at a mac [which is otherwise great].
Sadly, this is getting to be a real deal-breaker for me, and I might consider a move to Windows 7 which has an excellent and informative copy dialog with many options on it, as the hours I waste on trying to manage my files on a mac stack up and up [I would say days of my life wasted, actually].
And convenience is what I want : We are not all Coding Artists like yourselves.
I REALLY don't want to do this, but this seemingly small thing just really hobbles your OS for me. Very much an Achilles Heel. Incredibly inconvenient.
I can do on windows 7 in a couple of hours what it would take me DAYS to do on a mac, in this regard.
Please somebody at Apple, can you please study the Windows 7 file copy dialog with it's options, this very great utility and options it gives the user,
and then implement it. Microsoft has taken so many of Apple's innovations. Maybe you can pinch this basic thing.
I may go on to explain what these options are about, but I have to sleep now.