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Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011

I have not been able to get jailbreak tethering working in 9.3.3 at all. I'm trying to figure out if it is just me, or something is wrong for everyone. To be clear, this is the new Pangu 9.3.3 jailbreak that came out a few days ago.

Here are the results I've gotten:

PDANet - Can turn on a hotspot from the phone, the computer I'm trying to connect to it can find it and connect, but the computer cannot access the internet.

MyWi 9 - Can turn on the hotspot and use the app, but the computer cannot find the SSID.

TetherMe - (just updated for 9.3.3) Same result as PDANet.

Can anyone else get tethering to work, or is it just me?

I'm using an iPhone 6S Plus on AT&T.



macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
MyWi works fine for me, with the latest version, registered . (Not the cracked one.)

I should note, that I installed that "stashing" tweak, and it broke MyWi. I un-installed both MyWi, and the stashing app. Then rebooted, reinstalled MyWi, and it worked again.
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Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
MyWi works fine for me, with the latest version, registered . (Not the cracked one.)

I should note, that I installed that "stashing" tweak, and it broke MyWi. I un-installed both MyWi, and the stashing app. Then rebooted, reinstalled MyWi, and it worked again.

Mine is legit, but is the trial version. What's interesting about MyWi is when I enable the hotspot, the phone stays connected to the local Wi-Fi network. Typically, it will disconnect from Wi-Fi and go to LTE to enable the hotspot.

I never used the stashing tweak.


macrumors 65816
Jul 7, 2013
Mine is legit, but is the trial version. What's interesting about MyWi is when I enable the hotspot, the phone stays connected to the local Wi-Fi network. Typically, it will disconnect from Wi-Fi and go to LTE to enable the hotspot.

I never used the stashing tweak.

Do you have HotSpot enabled in your settings app? I suppose that could cause an issue. It might cause an issue by having multiple tethering apps installed at once. I would remove all of them, then REBOOT (not respring), re-jailbreak, then install MyWi on its own.

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
Do you have HotSpot enabled in your settings app? I suppose that could cause an issue. It might cause an issue by having multiple tethering apps installed at once. I would remove all of them, then REBOOT (not respring), re-jailbreak, then install MyWi on its own.

I'm trying to use TetherMe, preferably. It was just updated for 9.3.3, works for other people, and I already have it.

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
TetherMe works for me. I had to turn off wifi and Bluetooth, select keep broadcasting.

I tried that and it prompts me to turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth for tethering. Still does not work. Same exact problem in PDANet. The only tweaks I have are:

Flex 2

I type a website into Chrome (on the computer connected to the TetherMe/PDANet hotspot, it spins for about a minute, then I get this:

This site can’t be reached's server DNS address could not be found.


[doublepost=1469652308][/doublepost]I tried MyWi again and noticed that when I enable the hotspot, the phone stays connected to the local wifi, and it says "Waiting for network connection to begin tethering..."
[doublepost=1469653671][/doublepost]Interestingly that old "Tether" app from 2011 still works.
[doublepost=1469653905][/doublepost]With PDANet, the phone also stays connected to home Wi-Fi when I turn the hotspot on.
Last edited:

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
UPDATE: Alright this is really weird now. I just tried on a friend's computer (also a Mac) and it worked on the first try with PDANet. For some reason on mine, it does not work.

Does anyone know what might cause that?


macrumors 6502a
Oct 12, 2012
are u sure mywi 9 is working? mine says 'channel 0' on wifi and i never see the network. usb does not work too, keeps 'waiting for network connection'

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
are u sure mywi 9 is working? mine says 'channel 0' on wifi and i never see the network. usb does not work too, keeps 'waiting for network connection'

My MyWi did not work either, and I think it said the same thing.

Does anyone have any idea why my Mac would not be able to get internet from my jailbreak PDANet hotspot, but every other computer/device I've hooked up to it can?

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011
Something not right with that particular computer.
Why dont you use wifi tethering for now to connect your computer to your iphone?

It just got interesting. Just for kicks, I booted the MacBook Pro (the one with the problem) into recovery mode, and then tried to connect to the jailbreak tethering hotspot (when you boot into recovery mode, you get the option to open a safari window and go online)

It worked perfectly.

However, when I log back into my user account on the Mac, it cannot connect to the internet.

I have been jailbreaking ever since there was such a thing, and I have used Macs going back to the original iMac, and I have literally never seen something like this. I really have no idea why this is happening.

If I had to guess (and I don't know) I'd say it has something to do with the fact that in the last few iterations of OSX/iOS, the "hotspot" feature has gotten pretty tooled up to the point where the Mac will identify the phone and ask if you want to turn on the hotspot when there is no Wi-Fi. You can also answer calls on the Mac, etc. I feel like the Mac is trying to operate this way with the phone like with the native hotspot that I used a long time ago when I had it.

I think this is why Macs I have never used before work with no problem, but mine does not.

Just my 2 cents. I really have no idea.

Please help. This is driving me crazy.

Jimmy Guphanti

macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 29, 2011

After trying everything I could think of, I went into settings on the Mac and clicked the minus sign on Wi-Fi, and then clicked on the plus and added it again. Now it works! Yay!
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