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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 23, 2010
Some say that we should expect this, but for every product since the retina coming to the iPhone 4' we haven't seen a retina until second or even third iterations later.

iPad Mini

Here's Apple giving us one from the start, they could of easily given us a standard display, people would still snap em up and we would have something to buy next year. It's this decision that makes me believe that Apple Watch upgrades will be few and far between, least compared to iPhone and iPad.
I don't think a non-retina would ever be considered for a display this small where text readability is so fundamental
Thank you Apple for giving us a retina from the start.

I don't think a non-retina would ever be considered for a display this small where text readability is so fundamental

It isn't fundamental on the iPad or iPhone? And in terms of small screens, LG, Samsung and others have all opted for a non retina display, (Resolution that is, not the trademark) and have sold well.
iphone and iPad have a much bigger screen. I maintain my opinion that  never even considered a non-retina display for the  Watch
I agree! I'm glad the display isn't grainy in v1! It seems like Moto cut corners just to get the 360 out quick...that tire and the screen isn't as hd as it should be. Hopefully they are fixed this year.
Some say that we should expect this, but for every product since the retina coming to the iPhone 4' we haven't seen a retina until second or even third iterations later.

iPad Mini

Here's Apple giving us one from the start, they could of easily given us a standard display, people would still snap em up and we would have something to buy next year. It's this decision that makes me believe that Apple Watch upgrades will be few and far between, least compared to iPhone and iPad.

I think this is more a case of available and affordable technology at the time.

It'd be like, in 2007, saying "Thank you Apple for giving us a colour iPhone from the start".

High resolution LCD and OLED technology is mass produced and available at a very good price now.
3 years of iPhone sales without retina displays says 'no' to that.

If it was fundamental no one would have bought the first one one and the iPhone 3G would have been forced to come out with a retina display.

Speaking a bit prematurely aren't you? I mean we don't know how well the watch would of sold without a retina. Could of been 3 years of watches.
I have to admit that I was surprised when the iPad mini came out in 2012 without a Retina Display, but I suspect that going forward that display quality will just be standard. It's 2015, Apple launched the first "retina display" on the iPhone 4 in 2010 - it should be a standard feature on new Apple products with a screen by now.
It isn't fundamental on the iPad or iPhone? And in terms of small screens, LG, Samsung and others have all opted for a non retina display, (Resolution that is, not the trademark) and have sold well.

That's debatable. Although, something tells me they wouldn't have sold better with a retina equivalent display either.
Speaking a bit prematurely aren't you? I mean we don't know how well the watch would of sold without a retina. Could of been 3 years of watches.

How is me talking about 2007-2009 "premature?"

You asked about the iPhone and my answer was about the iPhone. I have no clue what might happen to the Apple Watch.
I couldn't imagine the amount of derision if this thing were not retina.

The genius of Apple creating this marketing term, is that EVERYTHING they make is "retina" at some distance.

PPI   Retina   Device
===   ====    ====================
302   12.0"   Apple Watch 42mm
290   12.3"   Apple Watch 38mm
It isn't fundamental on the iPad or iPhone? And in terms of small screens, LG, Samsung and others have all opted for a non retina display....

PPI   Retina   Device
===   ====    ====================
300   12.0"   Samsung Galaxy Gear S
285   12.8"   Asus Zen Watch
280   13.0"   Sony Smartwatch 3
278   12.8"   Samsung Gear Live
245   14.6"   LG Watch R
238   15.0"   LG Watch G
205   17.4"   Moto 360

Basically, if you get any of the current smartwatches... including Apple's... closer than a foot away, they are no longer considered "retina" for the majority of people with good eyesight. In real life, of course, each person is different.

Also, in reality, Apple had little choice since other makers will no doubt be improving their screens throughout the coming year, and Apple is probably on a yearly cycle as usual.
Thank you Apple for giving us a retina from the start.

The genius of Apple creating this marketing term, is that EVERYTHING they make is "retina" at some distance.

PPI   Retina   Device
===   ====    ====================
302   12.0"   Apple Watch 42mm
290   12.3"   Apple Watch 38mm

PPI   Retina   Device
===   ====    ====================
300   12.0"   Samsung Galaxy Gear S
285   12.8"   Asus Zen Watch
280   13.0"   Sony Smartwatch 3
278   12.8"   Samsung Gear Live
245   14.6"   LG Watch R
238   15.0"   LG Watch G
205   17.4"   Moto 360

Basically, if you get any of the current smartwatches... including Apple's... closer than a foot away, they are no longer considered "retina" for the majority of people with good eyesight. In real life, of course, each person is different.

Also, in reality, Apple had little choice since other makers will no doubt be improving their screens throughout the coming year, and Apple is probably on a yearly cycle as usual.

If they are on a yearly cycle they best sell the watch on its own, otherwise they are screwed.
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