I wrote a bit on Medium about my month of using the 12" MacBook as a web developer.
Here's the conclusion:
If this is going to be your only dev machine, don’t get the MacBook — the Pro is a better choice if you can only get one machine. But if this is your second computer — one to carry with you everywhere you go — then I absolutely recommend the MacBook!
Anyone else using it for web development and having a different adivce?
Here's the conclusion:
My opinion is that, to be the most productive, I need a lot of screen real estate. This is a problem whether I use a MacBook Pro or the new MacBook. With that in mind, I didn’t find any cons to the MacBook when comparing it to the 13" MacBook Pro. I did find a lot of pros, though: the light weight, the better battery life, the more comfortable keyboard, the silence from having no fan — these are just a few of the benefits that the MacBook has over the MacBook Pro.
If this is going to be your only dev machine, don’t get the MacBook — the Pro is a better choice if you can only get one machine. But if this is your second computer — one to carry with you everywhere you go — then I absolutely recommend the MacBook!
Anyone else using it for web development and having a different adivce?