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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 28, 2014
There are two reasons I think people are divided over the X and other IPhone models and both are Apples fault.

1. Price: So last year I actually left Apple and went to the dark side and got the Note 7. It was a great phone and I actually was going to stick with it. That was until it was recalled. All the drama around the recall really put a bad taste in my mouth and I thought I would never look at Samsung again. This year when the Note 8 was released I was appalled that they would price it over $900 after what happened the previous year and hoped it would immediately fail to show Samsung the error of their way. Once I found out the X would be delayed one month I got bored and decided to give the Note 8 a month try and guess what, it was amazing. Every bad thought I had melted away. What made it even easier was all the great deals Samsung had. I was able to get a $200 Samsung VISA rewards card instantly through Samsung Pay which helped offset the price. But the difference here is Apple did nothing wrong last year to repent for. Still Apple should have probably priced it stating at $899 I think that would have helped the perception better. People are worried now, if its over $900 now what about next year? Or If they come out with a XL phone will it start over $1000? All valid but the X is still a great phone, but many will not buy because the Price. Sad thing is I don’t think Apple cares, do you? Once the hype dies down sales will come out for the X and I think more people will fell comfortable about buying it.

2. The next reasons is that Apple has to many choices this year. You would think choices are a good thing but just look at Android forums. They are always people fighting over what phone is the Android King, something that Apple hasn’t really had in the past. Something similar happened when the IPhone SE came out and people bashed that phone because of course no one wants a phone that size anymore, but it still sold lots so what do we know. This year it’s the X against the 8 Plus and I can admit that the moment the 8 and Plus were announced I wanted them to fail because every media outlet said supplies were going to be limited and I wanted all Apple resources working on the X model. And there are probably some posters that hoped the X would fail so that Apple will lower the price/get rid of the notch etc. I just hope next year they come out with the IPhone X and an XL version so we can bring peace back to the forum. And at the end of the day let’s just be happy we can even afford a phone and don’t have to rely on an Obama phone. Lol.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
You have Apple purists who only want Apple products.

You have wealthy people to whom price is not an issue.

And that's your X audience.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 28, 2014
I don't think people are divided up at all.

Those who want the X, will get it, those who don't, wont. Simple

Glad you feel this way but I’ve never seen this forum like this. I actually like the MAC forum because it’s so different from the Android forums and usually are full of support and friendship.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 28, 2014
$130 more than I paid last year only. Not exactly a huge difference in my opinion.

For me either, but I know a lot of people that feel different. When my mom heard it was $1000 she said no way she would ever buy it. Lol. Than again she’s happy with her 3 year old IPhone 6.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Glad you feel this way but I’ve never seen this forum like this. I actually like the MAC forum because it’s so different from the Android forums and usually are full of support and friendship.

Mac lost the battle to Windows years ago, so very few Windows people troll the Mac forums, there's just no need when Windows has 92% market share.

iPhone vs. Android, completely different story. Every time Apple has a hiccup or a new iPhone claims the mantle as Greatest Smartphone Ever, the Samsung contingent invades.
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 28, 2014
Mac lost the battle to Windows years ago, so very few Windows people troll the Mac forums, there's just no need when Windows has 92% market share.

iPhone vs. Android, completely different story. Every time Apple has a hiccup or a new iPhone claims the mantle as Greatest Smartphone Ever, the Samsung contingent invades.

Sorry I meant to say Macrumors. But I get you. A little FRIENDLY competition is good but it does get pretty Brutal. But this time it seems the fighting is from within. The first week I stopped coming to this form because I got tired of all the negative post.


macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
Sorry I meant to say Macrumors. But I get you. A little FRIENDLY competition is good but it does get pretty Brutal. But this time it seems the fighting is from within. The first week I stopped coming to this form because I got tired of all the negative post.

Gotcha, I understand now. I think the answer to your question might be "change".

I myself am guilty of being negative before I owned my iPhone X. I assumed that Face ID was going to be terrible, that Touch ID was perfect, that the notch was going to be annoying, that Apple Pay was going to be more time consuming, that the weight was going to be problematic, that the lack of a home button was stupid, that wireless charging was useless....

Basically I was pathetic and dead wrong for 3 months and posting really bad and uninformed opinions simply because I made assumptions and didn't own an iPhone X. Hey, it made for some terrific debate, that's for sure, but in the end it was my ignorance that led to some of the animosity. Multiply the 'old' me by 10x, that's what's in the forum right now.

So....things will get better in the iPhone forum as more and more people receive their iPhone X's and realize that they're terribly worried about nothing and that Apple, again, has outsmarted us and given us a tremendous product with no downsides, only upsides. Hang in there.
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macrumors 68030
Nov 3, 2008
I don't think people are divided up at all.

Those who want the X, will get it, those who don't, wont. Simple
Not really. I wanted the phone and during my two weeks then I mastered everything new about it. But in the end... its just another iPhone. Dont get me wrong. This contains some impressive hardware but it runs on an OS that wasn't built for it and therefore its a very extraordinary phone on a very ordinary OS.

So when it came down to my purchase decision then Price was definitely the biggest reason I gave up a phone that I wanted.


Oct 16, 2017
Technology in both hardware and software has matured to a point that the market has become saturated when what most users want is to do basic tasks. To most consumers, they don't understand terms like color gamut, dynamic range, etc. They probably don't even know what firmware they have. To them, they just want to run apps whether it's a millisecond slower or slightly worse camera.

This isn't like 2007-2012 where the jumps were noticeable. Maybe 6-7 years ago, you could say iPhones were the best. It hasn't been cut & dry ever since. No more finding an iPhone killer. Remember when Steve said in 2007 that their software was five years ahead? Well, Android's Project Butter on Jelly Bean caught up by 2012 and perhaps Android hardware surpassed iPhones by 2013.

I like the OP's two reasons for it. Seriously, $1000 for a smartphone that looks different from the front, made as a glass sandwich, expensive to repair, and all what general users want is to run apps? Same apps they had on their previous model. The novelty for all phones is running its course like laptops had towards the late-00's. Consumers don't need rocket science comparisons from YouTubers.

YouTube reviewers = Don King/LaVar Ball of mobile tech. They are there to make a living and to hype stuff up like saying, "it's the best iPhone or Android phone ever made" every new year.

We also are aware of Apple's patterns. We know they will milk a design for 3-4 years like how automobile makers do. Did the iPhone 5 really look different from the 4? If they were, then why do people say 8 looks similar to the 6? We know another one that looks exactly like the X with better internals will be released in less than year. The X will probably be in the market for 3+ years. Most Androids are off the market after less than 2.

What's the rush? X will depreciate to nearly 33%-50% in a year and most second-hand ones will be in mint condition since the owners are extremely OCD with it. People are just slaves to this planned obsolescence loop.


macrumors 6502
Jun 27, 2010
It’s mostly price. When I sent my nephew an Animoji, he responded “you spent $1000k?

Never has anyone cared what I paid because we normally got them on carrier contracts at low down payments.

But now everyone is focused on the retail price.


macrumors 68000
May 8, 2015
Many of us wish for innovation and revolutionary changes, but freak out when we get what we wished for.

iPhone X disrupted the Apple ecosystem "comfort zone" I'd settled into.

Apple Watch? Love it. It's my iPod with notifications on my wrist (and with LTE it can be a lifesaver), but didn't make me daydream about future tech.
AirPods? A home run that I own and love, but all they did for me was replace my other headphones and stop me from cussing out bluetooth on the treadmill.
MacBook? I'm still way too happy and content with my 2013 rMBP 15" to care (drool) about anything Mac in recent years.

Face ID instead of home button? Holy Crap! This is something to notice. After two weeks, I'm thinking it's also something very good. It's evidence that Apple is always hard at work in the background (and in some cases under our noses but we couldn't see the forest for the trees).
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Jul 12, 2016
It’s mostly price. When I sent my nephew an Animoji, he responded “you spent $1000k?

Never has anyone cared what I paid because we normally got them on carrier contracts at low down payments.

But now everyone is focused on the retail price.

You have others focused on the retail price point because smart phones are on a continual uprising cost . A thousand dollar iPhone is not something everybody can afford on an annual basis. And it seems that trend is slowly growing. When somebody purchases or contemplates purchasing a $1000 iPhone, they should ask themselves Can they afford it and can they justify the price tag for what they want In the iPhone X.
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macrumors 6502
Jul 12, 2004
The Black Lodge
I'm kinda sick of the nonsense comment "ya paid over $1,000 for a PHONE - how STUPID!".

Sure some people pay outright but many people have their phones subsidized through their phone contracts or buy via Apple's upgrade program.

So you don't need $1,000 in your wallet to get one. Not at all.
Payments are spread out.

In fact if you go through the Apple Upgrade Program, if you get the 256GB X with Apple Care+, over 12 months you pay $648. Then you give it back and get the new model for another 12 months where you payments may go up or down depending on the model you get. So let's say you spend another $648 for that. That's $1296 over 24 months for TWO leading edge phones.

Hardly forking out $1,000 upfront to be able to get the latest phone.

Sure you've still SPENT the money but its the way you've spent it that is more important here.
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macrumors 601
May 2, 2010
I like the OP's two reasons for it. Seriously, $1000 for a smartphone that looks different from the front, made as a glass sandwich, expensive to repair, and all what general users want is to run apps? Same apps they had on their previous model. The novelty for all phones is running its course like laptops had towards the late-00's. Consumers don't need rocket science comparisons from YouTubers.

People are just slaves to this planned obsolescence loop.

Good post, but perhaps I can shed some light here on where you're wrong.

I held on to my iPhone 6 for the past 3+ years for exactly the reasons you mentioned- not enough difference between the 6 and the 6S and the 7 and now the 8. My 6 was just fine, no reason to move on at all. Even got to keep the headphone jack which I viewed as a plus.

But the X has some marked differences that got me to a) leave my 6 in the dust and b) spend the obscene money. See, the magic of the X isn't the stuff like wireless charging or animoji's or anything like that. It's all about 1) extra screen real estate and 2) crazy good battery life.

The iPhone X puts the screen size of the plus into the body of the 6 and has, literally, tripled my battery life. I'm on Day 10 now, and I go to work at 7AM, come home at 7PM and I still have 81% battery left. That's insane. I usually hovered around 30% when I got home from work if I was lucky. I can get 3 days out of the X which is just staggering to me. Sure, it weighs a little bit more, but in the end my pocket feels like it's got a 6 in there with a much bigger screen and a much better battery. Since screen and battery is really all that smartphone hardware is about, it's a massive win for iOS users. Massive. Worth every penny.


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2008
Central New York
I bought the iPhone X because I like it, and can afford it. I wanted an OLED screen, and a new design/form factor. I mean the 8/8+ are iPhone 6sss, and I personally do not even think about the iPhone SE because I could never go back to that screen size. So for me, and I imagine others it came down to people that wanted change because the 8/8+ did not change much at all except for the glass back, and people went for the X for the design change/OLED Screen and FaceID, and the better camera system.



Oct 16, 2017
I remember the Feist MadTV parody of the iPod commercial.

Just when you get a new one, another one comes out that's better. I have to use my phones and need to look at it every day because my income is based on an app.

Remember the 1983 Video Game Crash?. That's what I hope happens to the industry to bring down Apple, Google, and Samsung another "notch". Their egos are so big, they believe they can price gouge us?

Carriers and all these brands are leeches. They are like casinos. They are the only winners. Us players don't stand a chance. The longer we play, the more we lose. In the end, they get it all.


Sep 21, 2012
In the middle of several books.
What many haven't realized, is that the members of "Project X" have been hard at work (behind the scenes and underground) building a new place to house the Tories (read: Non-X conformists) until said persons can be properly rehabilitated and brought to the light of what promises to be a new X-cellent generation of peoples.


macrumors Penryn
Aug 31, 2011
Glad you feel this way but I’ve never seen this forum like this. I actually like the MAC forum because it’s so different from the Android forums and usually are full of support and friendship.

Go into the Intel Mac forums and start a conversation about PowerPC Macs and early Intel (Snow Leopard max) Macs.

See how friendly it is then.
Sad thing is I don’t think Apple cares, do you?
No. Apple does not care about price.

Quote from Dan Riccio:

“Our goal is always to provide what we think is the best product possible, not always the lowest cost.”

From here:


macrumors 603
Mar 18, 2009
For me either, but I know a lot of people that feel different. When my mom heard it was $1000 she said no way she would ever buy it. Lol. Than again she’s happy with her 3 year old IPhone 6.

That's why a lot of items are priced at, say, $2.99 instead of $3.00. It's the psychological effect of just seeing the 2 vs the 3 in the price.

$999 will look like a lot less at first glance than $1000 to a lot of people. 3 digits as opposed to 4.
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