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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 12, 2012
Esch Alzette / Luxembourg
No joke, mac4ever, a french/swiss Apple-app just posted this:
The customer service told them: the first apple watch's are just beeing send!


  • image.jpg
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Man, these Photoshops are getting good.

We assumed they were bogus before, but now they're including some crazy foreign language to make the elimination process take just a little bit longer.

Venderdi last, we rapportions already some user testimonials claiming to have received notifications of shipments of Apple Watch purchased on the Apple Store .

According to an exchange between a counselor of the shop and a reader (Peter), the first shipments have indeed started:

Difficult, however, to be able to verify the client side. As we explained to you earlier, try to aim for the best official release date, Apple sends large amounts of shows in "hubs". It is then for these large logistics platforms that actually go shipments, and that we are left notified. This time, Cupertino gives not only a fixed date, but a period of fifteen days, during which could be spread receptions.

Feel free to send us an email if the status of your order changes. Generally, the first shipment notification appears around Wednesday for next Friday. Fingers crossed!
Man, these Photoshops are getting good.

We assumed they were bogus before, but now they're including some crazy foreign language to make the elimination process take just a little bit longer.

Crazy foreign language ? It's french.

Translation : The first order are starting to go. It's good news for our customer.
As far as I know they are exchanging recipes for lasagne.

Can anyone translate? Lol

The guy asked how high were the rates that he would get this apple watch the 24 th, and the answer was that the first one are being shipped now, so that the chances are very big!

But I am torn in two: to believe it, but the same moment thinking: how in earth can this apple guy know this?

Venderdi last, we rapportions already some user testimonials claiming to have received notifications of shipments of Apple Watch purchased on the Apple Store .

According to an exchange between a counselor of the shop and a reader (Peter), the first shipments have indeed started:

Difficult, however, to be able to verify the client side. As we explained to you earlier, try to aim for the best official release date, Apple sends large amounts of shows in "hubs". It is then for these large logistics platforms that actually go shipments, and that we are left notified. This time, Cupertino gives not only a fixed date, but a period of fifteen days, during which could be spread receptions.

Feel free to send us an email if the status of your order changes. Generally, the first shipment notification appears around Wednesday for next Friday. Fingers crossed!

Well that clears that up, thanks :p
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The customer service reps haven't been all that reliable in English but let's trust the French one.
The guy asked how high were the rates that he would get this apple watch the 24 th, and the answer was that the first one are being shipped now, so that the chances are very big!

But I am torn in two: to believe it, but the same moment thinking: how in earth can this apple guy know this?

In most contact/call centers they usually have a bulletin that its updated with future changes and also with recommended answer to customers, the operation managers and general managers would know about it too or maybe they call queue is flooded with people calling to ask about shipping dates for the watches that they advised agents to tell people this generic response.
I call BS. It's just that mac4ever need people to visit their website that is becoming more and more s****y.
As long as anyone will have receive the confirmation from apple that the shipment has gone, all other info will be BS

EDIT: je vois la cavalerie francaise arriver: souvenez vous de mac4ever qui annoncait la venue de Tim Cook à Paris pour le lancement... Ils ont balancé ca, comme ca hop, et n'ont même pas daigné mettre un "EDIT: on s'est trompé désolé". Bref ce que j'en dis c'est que mac4ever perd en qualité...
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