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macrumors regular
Original poster
Oct 29, 2008
Yeah, it's a question! And we should do it now becouse it's about to be lounch at the apple stores the newest one, this time, with a different perspective. Until Snow, a new Mac OS were always about new feautures for a new machine (more powerfull). Now is different, and supose to be a better Mac OS, not really a new one.

So what's happening? Is this a 'mea culpa' for making Leopard so heavy? When, in the past, we're happy (...and didn't know)?

I know Mac OS since version 7, buy my first iMac with 8.6, upgrade to 9, Jaguar, Panther, Tiger and buy a MacMini with Leopard.

I beleive my iMac333 got today the best combination of OS 9 (very fast, more stable and compatible than previous) and Tiger (fast enought, very stable, good compatibility). My MacMini Core2Duo got a Leopard that is to heavy, should work better with more memory.

My vote goes to Tiger. Smart, cool features, good performance and runs at any G3.

What do you think?
I love the Finder and System of my dad's MacPlus with 1MB of RAM, able to work with 800K 3.5" disks.
It meant no more all keyboard entry, our first Mac, use of Fonts, the amazing mouse and things like cut, copy and paste, and of course my all time favorite -> undo
The clipboard, Mac Write and Mac Paint.

Then the mayor good change I loved was the possibility to have mutliple applications running at the same time, even many may say that it was or wasn't true multitasking, I liked that I could do all my things at the same time. I don't remember which version this one was.

With Leopard I can run old MacPlus emulation with vMac, and OS9 with SheepShaver. So What can I say, Leopard has given me all the possible Mac OS flavors that I want to have on my current Mac.

Leopard has been much better for me during my OS X experience, and I have high hopes for Snow.
Cool! But not exactly the same thing

Very iteresting!!! But is not EXACTLY I'm discussing here. Leopard should be most enjoyed, if not, it was a disaster like Vista. In my case, MacMini doesn't give to Leopard the hardware pow to be loved by me (somebody likes the multicollor circle???).

I'm asking for the best, considering good and bad hardware, confusing network, non-apple periferals (my Samsung keyboard), etc...
Leopard. And I cam onto MAC with system 7. I still have some of the manuals.

Some of the specs and the 'feature list' kind of make you laugh. Just as Leopard will make us laugh in about fifteen years.

Optical drives?? Keyboards?? What kind of stone age technology is that? Says my son doing his homework and looking for a history lesson from his dad.
My iMac G4 came with 10.4 - it was really good but I have since upgraded to 10.5 and it works really smooth and quick for me. So I guess so far, at least for me. Leopard is my choice for best Mac OS ever :cool:
each new version of X. worst was 7.5 7.6 was a godsend after that. prior to x, 8.1 was a gold standard for reliability for me. I ran a lot of operating systems in my elementary classroom, from cobbled together macs from old parts. If I just wanted them to work for the kids, I put 8.1 on. didn't require a lot of spec, and easy install. 9.0 sucked.
So what's happening? Is this a 'mea culpa' for making Leopard so heavy? When, in the past, we're happy (...and didn't know)?
I suppose. Microsoft is pulling a similar trick with Windows 7. I think this often happens in software development generally. On one hand, you build in new features which puts more pressure on the hardware, and on the other hand you try to make existing features work faster, which does the opposite.
Add a ? in your title OP, and also a poll - would help get the answers you want :)
Just advanced edit your 1st post.
Honestly I don't think 10.5 is too system well enough on my G4 with 512Mbs of RAM(which I should upgrade)
The one coming

I have been using Macs since 10.2. Each OS has its own set of quirks and issues. Liking Sierra so far, very stable. I know a lot of people mention Snow Leopard but it had its share of issues.
Let's see.. Burger vs french fries? I think I like the burger the most because it has the meat in it. French fries are good in the sense that you can dip them in ketchup if you choose to do so. With the burger you can also dip in in ketchup but the burger should already have ketchup built-in - I wouldn't call it a proper burger if it didn't have ketchup built-in. Also, I kinda like Burger King and their burger and french fries over McDonalds and their burger and french fries. I have no idea why. I just think they are better.

I like whichever macOS is current. I used to look back in anger and that I can't do that anymore. With that said I think that when Apple and developers chose to lock down macOS even more; I wanted to just go and order a hotdog instead of that yummy burger and french fries from Burger King. Burger King is my favourite btw. They are just that much better over say, McDonalds.

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I have to say since i started with Mac, back when windows vista came out, think i started with tiger.... I have enjoyed every version of the Mac operating system completely. I have not tried a beta version yet but the ones i have used have been a pleasure to use and preform much much better than windows.... vista was crap, win 7 was tolerable, windows 8 and 8.1 was a disaster and haven't played much with windows 10
2 years posting
I think Snow Leopard is very good, especially for Mac with non-SSD. It's blazing fast compared to later versions. I like the bold frame in pre-10.10 version, much easier for eyes.
Snow Leopard 10.6.8 was the last macOS that was acceptable on a rust drive, everything after still hates slow IO more than normal OSs. 10.6.8 was also the most stable bug free I've had of any OS since in my memory, though everyone forgets the early 10.6 issues.
Yes, I remember I had ordered an iMac and read about all these problems in Snow Leopard, I was wondering how things would go. Turned out that Snow Leopard was working just fine :)
All nostalgia aside, the best (modern and arguably still usable) OS is undoubtedly between Snow Leopard 10.6.8 followed closely by Mountain Lion 10.8.5.

In contrast, Mavericks was the worst by far, miserable for so many reasons.
I have MBP 2011 with its original rust drive, for years it has Snow Leopard with no problem until I have to upgrade to Lion due to HP printer driver compatibility. Do you think that ML is better than Lion? Lion is a bit slower that SL, but only marginally slow.

All nostalgia aside, the best (modern and arguably still usable) OS is undoubtedly between Snow Leopard 10.6.8 followed closely by Mountain Lion 10.8.5.

In contrast, Mavericks was the worst by far, miserable for so many reasons.
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