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macrumors 604
Original poster
Apr 11, 2005
So you get an email saying [some mod] has started a new conversation with you at MacRumors Forums.

You read the email and click on the link which takes you to the “conversation” (who would have thought but quotes ARE actually necessary here).

At the bottom of said conversation it says this conversation has been closed to replies.

Hate to break it to you but one person saying something without the opportunity to respond might be called a lecture, a monologue, possibly a soliloquy, but you actually have to have a reply to qualify as a conversation.

I may need to read Animal Farm again.
Replies to moderation reminders like that are blocked intentionally.

If you disagree with the moderation, the proper procedure is to use the contact us process to discuss with the site admins.

This is explained at the bottom of the reminder sent out (quote below).

For further information and instructions, see the Reminders section of the Moderation FAQ. Do not reply to (or report) a moderation message like this one. If you have questions, comments, or complaints about moderation, use the Contact Form.
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Hate to break it to you but one person saying something without the opportunity to respond might be called a lecture, a monologue, possibly a soliloquy, but you actually have to have a reply to qualify as a conversation.

The forum software calls private messages "conversations", and the reminder functionality uses that messaging to communicate to the member.

You are correct in that the moderators are not entering into a conversation with you, but rather notifying you. If you wish to discuss the moderation, then you need to reach out to the administrators via the contact us link
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