Okay, so most of us here are long time Apple Fans, and we know the drill.
Every year, theres a new phone, new iPad, etc. So we do what we always do... We take note of when the preorder starts, and we set our mental clocks (alarm clock) to be at the Apple.com website, on our Apple Store App, or near a phone so we can call telesales.
We spend the next 2 weeks on Macrumors, discussing what we ordered, tracking planes, posting pics of our score, venting, and then we disappear.
This time around, however, the launch wasn't as smooth as we are used to, and I have to say that I am more addicted/antsy about getting my watch than ever!
My wife was one of the "lucky" ones. She got her White SS on launch day (damn right, I ordered it at 0:03), while she waits for her SS Link.
I was one of the less fortunate, who ordered a SG Sport, and got "unlucky". Mine showed up on Monday. I was at the 0:03:40 mark.
I looked on ebay and saw that they were going for $700-900 bucks. I am no sucker. I sold that mofo.
Now I sit in wait for my Wifes SS Link, and I finally cracked and ordered the SB Link for myself late last week.
Long story short, Macrumors gains, Apple Gains, we suffer together. It's been a fun group. Really reminds me of the camaraderie I experienced with the 3G launch. I was the first to NOT get a 3G on launch day. You can bet your bottom dollar I was there the next morning at the crack of dawn. The friends I made in line I am still in touch with today.
Anyways. </rant>
Every year, theres a new phone, new iPad, etc. So we do what we always do... We take note of when the preorder starts, and we set our mental clocks (alarm clock) to be at the Apple.com website, on our Apple Store App, or near a phone so we can call telesales.
We spend the next 2 weeks on Macrumors, discussing what we ordered, tracking planes, posting pics of our score, venting, and then we disappear.
This time around, however, the launch wasn't as smooth as we are used to, and I have to say that I am more addicted/antsy about getting my watch than ever!
My wife was one of the "lucky" ones. She got her White SS on launch day (damn right, I ordered it at 0:03), while she waits for her SS Link.
I was one of the less fortunate, who ordered a SG Sport, and got "unlucky". Mine showed up on Monday. I was at the 0:03:40 mark.
I looked on ebay and saw that they were going for $700-900 bucks. I am no sucker. I sold that mofo.
Now I sit in wait for my Wifes SS Link, and I finally cracked and ordered the SB Link for myself late last week.
Long story short, Macrumors gains, Apple Gains, we suffer together. It's been a fun group. Really reminds me of the camaraderie I experienced with the 3G launch. I was the first to NOT get a 3G on launch day. You can bet your bottom dollar I was there the next morning at the crack of dawn. The friends I made in line I am still in touch with today.
Anyways. </rant>