So I've been trying to get a Macbook on par with the used one I bought last year, which was AMAZING . First I got a new 13 inch. The screen was so yellow my Spyder thing couldn't calibrate it . Then another 13 inch- same thing. Got a used 15 inch and it was fine until I found out the GPU was failing and it needed a whole new logic board. Amazon A-Z claim /BBB/FTC fiasco aside I ordered a brand new 15 inch MBP with the 2.8 ghz gpu upgrade directly from Apple. It arrived from Shenzen last week and made it all of 3 hours before it told me I didn't have enough space to download a 2 kb file on an SSD with 320 gb of free space. A disk verification and a reboot later and it would only go into recovery mode and couldn't even find the disk to reinstall OSX on. Ok. Apple's going to send a new one.........
But the return with FedEx isn't getting scanned. More accurately it WASN'T getting scanned. Now it's disappeared from the FedEx system altogether. It was just sitting with "label created" but now it's not even showing up. I took the return MBP to FedEx, handed it to the guy and headed to work. That was early early yesterday morning. I know they have it. Apple says they'll start production on the replacement as soon as the broken one gets scanned in by FedEx. But..... where's the scan?! A this point I'm pretty much conditioned to assume the worst. Has anyone ever had a return just disappear before?
Are the computer gods telling me to give up and just get some blah blah windows machine?
But the return with FedEx isn't getting scanned. More accurately it WASN'T getting scanned. Now it's disappeared from the FedEx system altogether. It was just sitting with "label created" but now it's not even showing up. I took the return MBP to FedEx, handed it to the guy and headed to work. That was early early yesterday morning. I know they have it. Apple says they'll start production on the replacement as soon as the broken one gets scanned in by FedEx. But..... where's the scan?! A this point I'm pretty much conditioned to assume the worst. Has anyone ever had a return just disappear before?
Are the computer gods telling me to give up and just get some blah blah windows machine?