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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Jul 2, 2006
Anybody playing The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut on Mac.

I ask because i am and it just random crashes without rhyme or reason, you
can be doing anything then crash back to desktop with the Apple report log screen.

This is under OSX 10.9.5

Have Tried it under ElCapitan and it crash within 5 minutes of playing.

I have notified GoG where I got it, just wondered if anyone is playing and gets the same issue ?
I am totally confused. This is what I see if I add it to my cart on GOG. Also, there is no Mac version on Steam either for the Final Cut!
I bought the PC version a while back, and now in the download area I can and did download a Mac version, that's all I can say, no reason to lie to anyone.
[doublepost=1476543016][/doublepost]there you go
Washac, I'm not doubting what you say for a second, I'm only saying there is no evidence at all anywhere that there is a Mac version of The Final Cut. Not on GOG, Steam, MacGame Store, Game Agent, etc.
Very weird! I wonder how many they sold? Haha!
OK, got to the bottom of this, it seems the Mac version is broken hence why I have issues, so that is why it is showing as not being on open sale at GoG but sure is there if you buy the PC version which if you run Bootcamp or Parallels you can play, its quite a fun game.
Message from GoG.

They have said that they do not offer a Mac version for sale but would refund me, I told them I can play the PC version under Bootcamp and also requested that they remove the download for the Mac.
Most recent message from GoG.
From Gog
I see now that the Mac version of Final Cut is available for download. I was under the impression that only the older versions were. It looks like this was provided as a bonus to accommodate Users that had the old versions purchased for Mac.
The game is not officially advertised as being Mac compatible.
Sorry for the confusion.
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I'm sorry washac, I really don't understand what you mean!
As fas as I can see, GOG have NO Van Helsing games for Mac available for download at all, not the original 3 parts, nor the Final Cut. So, I'm not sure why you say Final Cut is 'available for download'.
Steam has the 3 individual parts, but not the Final Cut.
I'm sorry washac, I really don't understand what you mean!
As fas as I can see, GOG have NO Van Helsing games for Mac available for download at all, not the original 3 parts, nor the Final Cut. So, I'm not sure why you say Final Cut is 'available for download'.
Steam has the 3 individual parts, but not the Final Cut.

Yup you sure are confused.

Because I purchased it for PC when I downloaded it there was an option to download for the Mac version, it is NOT advertized for Mac it just appeared in the download area. So no you will not see it for sale, did you read the post above from GoG.

Also because the final cut contains part 1,2 and 3 they removed them for sale.

GoG have only ever sold it for PC.
No further forward, I'm afraid!
1) you started this thread by saying you were playing the Mac version of this game, yet you say in your most recent post that GOG have 'only ever sold it for PC'.
2) the 'GOG reply post' totally confuses me. In it you/they say 'I see now that the Mac version of Final Cut is available for download' when it is not, and also 'I was under the impression that only the older versions were', when they are not!
3) in the same post you/they say 'the game is not officially advertised as being Mac compatible'. Maybe not on GOG, but it certainly is on Steam! I really am struggling to see GOG's position here. I mean, why are the 3 episodes available on Steam but not GOG?
The whole thing seems like a mess to me. Either there is a Mac version (which there is on Steam) or there is not!
Do Neocore respond to requests for help?
I really do not know what you do not understand here.

1. I purchased van helsing for PC when it first appeared.
2. After purchase I downloaded it from the game download screen.
3. Last week I saw that a final cut version had appeared for PC and that it was
in my library, so I went to the download area for the game.
4. On going to the download screen I saw that there was a Mac version sitting there
above the update files for the PC version, and it is still there now I just checked.
5. I thought at the time it was strange as no mention of this was coming from GoG.
6. There was three episodes on GoG but because they are included in the final cut
they were removed so that you just buy one game.

Now we move on to GoGs reply, I can add no more to that other than what it states which
I understand.

If you feel that I am lying for some strange reason then that is your choice.

PS: I have contacted Neocore without success, even questions about the PC version have
gone ignored by them for weeks months along with questions about the Mac version, seems they
are keeping there distance and want nothing to do with the games buying public.

Are they responding to any questons on steam ? I ask because In do not use steam.

This is my last reply on this.
washac, I have no idea why you are adopting this attitude. I have already stated that I am not doubting what you say in any way. I am simply trying to understand what I think is a weird situation with GOG, Neocore and Steam.
We seem to be talking at cross purposes, so, like you, I'm going to leave this conversation here as we are getting nowhere, with neither of us understanding what the other is trying to say!
Oh well......
This game crashed on me to the point I uninstalled it. If memory serves its been released for mac twice.

It was on steam many months back with a mac version. then no mac client as its listed only windows requirements (on steam, if a mac client is available , you see both windows and mac system specs), then back again one day. Tried both runs...died in a fire playwise both times.

1-3 Normal and separate releases while not 100% stable (some crashing or graphics bugs from time to time) you could play well enough. Final cut....not sure wth went wrong there.

lemons into lemonade is I didn't pay for final cut. for steam owners of 1-3 it was a free upgrade. I fell under that. Other lemonade being as I have an mmo acting squirly as hell I will at least have this when my unhappy butt goes and gets a windows 10 copy to boot camp to windows.
Ah ok, so it has been available for sale a couple of times and subsequently withdrawn each time for technical reasons. Beginning to make sense now!
It's weird though that Episodes 1-3 are still on Steam (and apparently ok) but not on GOG.
This game crashed on me to the point I uninstalled it. If memory serves its been released for mac twice.

It was on steam many months back with a mac version. then no mac client as its listed only windows requirements (on steam, if a mac client is available , you see both windows and mac system specs), then back again one day. Tried both runs...died in a fire playwise both times.

1-3 Normal and separate releases while not 100% stable (some crashing or graphics bugs from time to time) you could play well enough. Final cut....not sure wth went wrong there.

lemons into lemonade is I didn't pay for final cut. for steam owners of 1-3 it was a free upgrade. I fell under that. Other lemonade being as I have an mmo acting squirly as hell I will at least have this when my unhappy butt goes and gets a windows 10 copy to boot camp to windows.

That's it glad somebody understands, same for Gog PC owners of the game, Mac versions were free upgrades and the final cut was thrown in as a bonus. Still not heard anything back from Neocoregames on the issues with this game, yet another so called games company to avoid, throwing out games that have many issues, that includes both the PC and Mac versions that they do not even want to talk about.
Yes, hiddenmarkov's explanation certainly clarified the situation for me.
It's still weird that 1-3 are available on Steam, yet not on GOG.
I'm also beginning to think that Neocore are a waste of time. They haven't responded to my email requesting clarification after about a week. I think we can probably give up on them.
Still, the great news is that Mad Max was released for macOS today, so I'm off to start that!
Yes, hiddenmarkov's explanation certainly clarified the situation for me.
It's still weird that 1-3 are available on Steam, yet not on GOG.
I'm also beginning to think that Neocore are a waste of time. They haven't responded to my email requesting clarification after about a week. I think we can probably give up on them.
Still, the great news is that Mad Max was released for macOS today, so I'm off to start that!

Cant play Mad Max seems my spec is not enough would you believe :(
Its a Steam game so that's not a problem, I do not use steam.
Cant play Mad Max seems my spec is not enough would you believe :(
Its a Steam game so that's not a problem, I do not use steam.
That is a shame! It runs really well on my iMac @2560x1440. Looks good too! Another fantastic job by the Feral team.
That is a shame! It runs really well on my iMac @2560x1440. Looks good too! Another fantastic job by the Feral team.
Not a problem though if I want it I would buy it on console.
Out of interest, why do you not use Steam? It's where all the big Mac games are.

1. I do not like DRM.
2. I dislike their business at all costs ethic.
3. Their support is rubbish and yes I have dealt with them.
4. I want to OWN the whole game not lease it from a company.

Please do not ask any questions about the above reasons I have done
it to death on these forms.
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