Almost every time Apple release a MAJOR product, their seems to be a big chunk of Apple Fans that whine, kick and scream saying it is stupid, ugly, waste of time, not revolutionary, it will fail, and the last, APPLE IS LOST! I went back to the 3 past Major launches to see if people reacted the same. The answer is a astounding hell yes. Its almost laughable looking at those comments now.
Moral of this post is don't judge something you just heard over 2 hours ago and wait until you actually see it in person. So heres to hoping that a couple years down we can laugh at these Watch comments.
---------------------------------------------------iPod 2001------------------------------------------------------
- elitemacor:
"iPoop... iCry. I was so hoping for something more."
- WeezerX80:
"Great just what the world needs, another freaking MP3 player. Go Steve! Where's the Newton?!"
- Pants:
"hey - heres an idea Apple - rather than enter the world of gimmicks and toys, why dont you spend a little more time sorting out your pathetically expensive and crap server line up?
or are you really aiming to become a glorified consumer gimmicks firm?"
- Nobody Special:
"All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field™ is starting to warp Steve's mind if he thinks for one second that this thing is gonna take off."
- jaime:
"revolutionary? There are already two products similar to this on the market."
- matthodgson:
"this really isn't that revolutionary of a product. I have a Nomad Jukebox with a 6gig hardrive and it only cost me $250."
- TheSaint:
"Mmmm. APPL is already down $1.00..."
- Guest:
"I have no use for an Mp3 player.
My house has a CD player.
My car has a CD player.
My Mac has a CD player"
- Guest:
"Gee , you've got music everywhere you go...oooohhh boy!
When I walk I don't need music, when I train in Ninjutsu I don't need music and when I jog I don't need music."
- Ervino:
"400 bucks for a MP3 player on steroid? That's a real breaktrought, but in appl... ied stupidity!"
More here:
--------------------------------------------------iPhone 2007----------------------------------------------------
- KindredMac:
"Do I think some on here are blind little sheep? Yes I do."
- badboibillie:
"What do people think about it being a 'blackberry killer' or replacing sidekicks? I honestly use my Treo alot for text messaging and even though i love the chat-like sms (similar to treo in a way), i dont know about texting alot using the on-screen keyboard."
- Gurutech:
"I don't know about this product.
if this was 6th gen iPod, i'd be thrilled."
- silence:
"Looks awesome, but missing one thing.... A ********** KEYPAD!!!!!!
When i'm in a rush and need to call/sms/email someone, i highly doubt fidgiting around with the "touch screen" system will be of any use.
What's the point of having Desktop/Office applications if you have to type with ONE FINGER at a time!!!?!?
Arggghhh... what a waste"
- Stella:
"Actually, on my ( Symbian ) smartphone I can do everything you list"
- clevin:
"u are basically describing a PDA."
- Quboid:
"The phone sucked enough of apple's time adn resources. Lets get back to making computer breakthroughs please."
- Rocket850:
"The phone is nice but the way it's implemented is a JOKE"
- farqueue:
- Romanseq:
"Let me put it this way, when a girl texted me, I called her back and said, "What are you twelve?"
Twelve year olds don't drive sales on a $500 integrated device."
More here:
----------------------------------------------------iPad 2010-----------------------------------------------------
- phobic99:
"Hmm I guess a keyboard dock is kind of nifty but what does this device offer that virtually any laptop on the market doesn't? iPhone OS with the app store? Ok sure.
I... I'm just confused and I want to cry. "
- MacDanny:
"Anyone who buys this deserves to be shot!
64gb, 1gHz, no phone or camera, no mention of radio.
$829 for 3G version AND a data contract!!!
wtf, this is beyond a slap in the face for a big iPod,
jog on, Steve."
- vannibombonato:
"This is a nightmare. A nightmare.
An ipod touch with a big screen. They've gone mad. What a sideral fail."
- Palm Pimp:
"This is the event that separates the Apple Fans from the Fanboys."
- sseelman:
"Oh please........$500 STARTING price for what? What is the compelling reason someone gets this over an iPod touch (truly mobile) or a laptop (truly ergonomic)?"
- sytnth3tic:
"It honestly looks like something Microsoft designed."
- pyroza:
"ahaha, and all the fanboys eat it up... go ahead and buy it, I'll buy a much more powerful netbook for cheaper"
- SchneiderMan:
-"To tell you the truth i really have no need for it, i have an iPhone 3GS and a Mbp. Don't see anything i cannot do with the devices i already own."
More here:
---------------------------------------------------Watch 2014--------------------------------------------------
- Seoras:
"I think I was hoping for more and certainly more originality.
Can't help but think that Steve would have hated that crown.
It's not within the Ive/Jobs "less is more" philosophy."
- H2SO4:
"I think the digital crown is a fail."
- sandman1969:
"The iWatch was very disappointing IMO. For the grand hype machine lead up to this event it didn't meet the expectations."
- koban4max:
"another gimmick."
- cambookpro:
"It's not as revolutionary as the iPhone or iPad, that's for sure"
- clemensg:
"Wow, so ugly and thick. Wouldn't wear it if it was free."
- JKarnsy:
"It's no iPhone or iPad....But it is amazing."
- shinji:
"Meh. Not that exciting."
- barkomatic
"All this does is prevent you from taking one second to pull the iPhone out of your pocket to do almost all the advertised tasks better. It seems like a solution looking for a problem."
- Asclepio:
"steve jobs died again today"
- ioioos:
"This was the killer product I was waiting for to pin fully to one ecosystem, and I think its an epic fail."
- Wiesenlooser:
"Apple Watch has shown that Apple has lost its way"
- iPadCary:
"Rather complicated to use ....
That stupid crown on the side ....
NEEDS a phone to work ....
Buh-bye Timmy, it's been real."
- A quote I read and can't find.
"Only Apple fanboys will buy this"
Do any of you see a trend here?
What I'm trying to point out is almost every major Apple product gets trashed A LOT the first few months. But like always, when these people finally ACTUALLY USE the device instead of use assumptions, they will be the first in line to get it.
I was with the haters when the iPad was revealed, I had for years actually since I really hated Apple. But when I went to BestBuy (I remember this clearly), I laughed to my cousin saying "Oh look the stupid iPad lol". I went up to it, picked it up and swiped the screen...I was speechless. Opening Safari was even more mind blowing. I have a very good feeling some other Apple haters and Apple fans will change their mind when they actually get to touch one.
Moral of this post is don't judge something you just heard over 2 hours ago and wait until you actually see it in person. So heres to hoping that a couple years down we can laugh at these Watch comments.
---------------------------------------------------iPod 2001------------------------------------------------------
- elitemacor:
"iPoop... iCry. I was so hoping for something more."
- WeezerX80:
"Great just what the world needs, another freaking MP3 player. Go Steve! Where's the Newton?!"
- Pants:
"hey - heres an idea Apple - rather than enter the world of gimmicks and toys, why dont you spend a little more time sorting out your pathetically expensive and crap server line up?
or are you really aiming to become a glorified consumer gimmicks firm?"
- Nobody Special:
"All that hype for an MP3 player? Break-thru digital device? The Reality Distiortion Field™ is starting to warp Steve's mind if he thinks for one second that this thing is gonna take off."
- jaime:
"revolutionary? There are already two products similar to this on the market."
- matthodgson:
"this really isn't that revolutionary of a product. I have a Nomad Jukebox with a 6gig hardrive and it only cost me $250."
- TheSaint:
"Mmmm. APPL is already down $1.00..."
- Guest:
"I have no use for an Mp3 player.
My house has a CD player.
My car has a CD player.
My Mac has a CD player"
- Guest:
"Gee , you've got music everywhere you go...oooohhh boy!
When I walk I don't need music, when I train in Ninjutsu I don't need music and when I jog I don't need music."
- Ervino:
"400 bucks for a MP3 player on steroid? That's a real breaktrought, but in appl... ied stupidity!"
More here:
--------------------------------------------------iPhone 2007----------------------------------------------------
- KindredMac:
"Do I think some on here are blind little sheep? Yes I do."
- badboibillie:
"What do people think about it being a 'blackberry killer' or replacing sidekicks? I honestly use my Treo alot for text messaging and even though i love the chat-like sms (similar to treo in a way), i dont know about texting alot using the on-screen keyboard."
- Gurutech:
"I don't know about this product.
if this was 6th gen iPod, i'd be thrilled."
- silence:
"Looks awesome, but missing one thing.... A ********** KEYPAD!!!!!!
When i'm in a rush and need to call/sms/email someone, i highly doubt fidgiting around with the "touch screen" system will be of any use.
What's the point of having Desktop/Office applications if you have to type with ONE FINGER at a time!!!?!?
Arggghhh... what a waste"
- Stella:
"Actually, on my ( Symbian ) smartphone I can do everything you list"
- clevin:
"u are basically describing a PDA."
- Quboid:
"The phone sucked enough of apple's time adn resources. Lets get back to making computer breakthroughs please."
- Rocket850:
"The phone is nice but the way it's implemented is a JOKE"
- farqueue:
- Romanseq:
"Let me put it this way, when a girl texted me, I called her back and said, "What are you twelve?"
Twelve year olds don't drive sales on a $500 integrated device."
More here:
----------------------------------------------------iPad 2010-----------------------------------------------------
- phobic99:
"Hmm I guess a keyboard dock is kind of nifty but what does this device offer that virtually any laptop on the market doesn't? iPhone OS with the app store? Ok sure.
I... I'm just confused and I want to cry. "
- MacDanny:
"Anyone who buys this deserves to be shot!
64gb, 1gHz, no phone or camera, no mention of radio.
$829 for 3G version AND a data contract!!!
wtf, this is beyond a slap in the face for a big iPod,
jog on, Steve."
- vannibombonato:
"This is a nightmare. A nightmare.
An ipod touch with a big screen. They've gone mad. What a sideral fail."
- Palm Pimp:
"This is the event that separates the Apple Fans from the Fanboys."
- sseelman:
"Oh please........$500 STARTING price for what? What is the compelling reason someone gets this over an iPod touch (truly mobile) or a laptop (truly ergonomic)?"
- sytnth3tic:
"It honestly looks like something Microsoft designed."
- pyroza:
"ahaha, and all the fanboys eat it up... go ahead and buy it, I'll buy a much more powerful netbook for cheaper"
- SchneiderMan:
-"To tell you the truth i really have no need for it, i have an iPhone 3GS and a Mbp. Don't see anything i cannot do with the devices i already own."
More here:
---------------------------------------------------Watch 2014--------------------------------------------------
- Seoras:
"I think I was hoping for more and certainly more originality.
Can't help but think that Steve would have hated that crown.
It's not within the Ive/Jobs "less is more" philosophy."
- H2SO4:
"I think the digital crown is a fail."
- sandman1969:
"The iWatch was very disappointing IMO. For the grand hype machine lead up to this event it didn't meet the expectations."
- koban4max:
"another gimmick."
- cambookpro:
"It's not as revolutionary as the iPhone or iPad, that's for sure"
- clemensg:
"Wow, so ugly and thick. Wouldn't wear it if it was free."
- JKarnsy:
"It's no iPhone or iPad....But it is amazing."
- shinji:
"Meh. Not that exciting."
- barkomatic
"All this does is prevent you from taking one second to pull the iPhone out of your pocket to do almost all the advertised tasks better. It seems like a solution looking for a problem."
- Asclepio:
"steve jobs died again today"
- ioioos:
"This was the killer product I was waiting for to pin fully to one ecosystem, and I think its an epic fail."
- Wiesenlooser:
"Apple Watch has shown that Apple has lost its way"
- iPadCary:
"Rather complicated to use ....
That stupid crown on the side ....
NEEDS a phone to work ....
Buh-bye Timmy, it's been real."
- A quote I read and can't find.
"Only Apple fanboys will buy this"
Do any of you see a trend here?
What I'm trying to point out is almost every major Apple product gets trashed A LOT the first few months. But like always, when these people finally ACTUALLY USE the device instead of use assumptions, they will be the first in line to get it.
I was with the haters when the iPad was revealed, I had for years actually since I really hated Apple. But when I went to BestBuy (I remember this clearly), I laughed to my cousin saying "Oh look the stupid iPad lol". I went up to it, picked it up and swiped the screen...I was speechless. Opening Safari was even more mind blowing. I have a very good feeling some other Apple haters and Apple fans will change their mind when they actually get to touch one.
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