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Original poster
Nov 22, 2011
East Coast USA
Other than my phone, I have no place to view them. Uploaded all my photos and video to my Mac (older cMBP 2012) and obviously that’s not compatible. I can save them to photos but that’s about it.

My iPad can’t capture the quality. My Apple TV 3rd gen isn’t capable either( its on its way out).

So I ask,for my iPhone X 4K video what’s the best way to play them back on a bigger screen?

My Sony LCD isn’t 4K either. So if I purchase a new Apple TV 4th gen and a new 4K tv, will I be able to at least steam over my 4K videos via AirPlay ?

Thinking of upgrading to a new IMac as well. Would that play the videos back as intended ?

I’m somewhat new to the 4K world, as this iPhone X is my first dabble into 4K.

How do you guys playback your beautiful 4K videos ?

Yeah, this is actually a problem with my drone. It takes great 4K video but trying to edit it on a 2012 iMac, with 12GB ram's rough. It actually DOES look decent on my non-4K 55"in HDTV using AirPlay.

I need to upgrade my TV after the new year, these 4K TV prices keep dropping and dropping.
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It’s biggest advantage is in the future. I sure wish I would’ve been able to record things from high school in 1080P (heck even 480 dvd resolution would’ve been a big upgrade) instead of craptastic VHS-C...yes, I’m dating myself lol
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4K is still new to the market. The TVs are still too expensive for average consumers. It will take a few years until the prices go down. My 1080p TV shows things just fine. No complaints.
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I watch them on my 55" 4K HDR TV in my bedroom. I can't film with anything but 4K 60 FPS now ... just looks too amazing.
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I’m thinkin a new Apple TV and a new TV around the 1st.
The new 4K Apple TV is amazing. Got one for the main room, so I thought I'd put the 4K Roku in my room ... but after using the new Apple TV ... everything is craptastically slower in comparison. The UI is just buttery smooth on the Apple TV because of the A10X Fusion chip it's using. So ... gonna get another Apple TV. :oops:
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The new 4K Apple TV is amazing. Got one for the main room, so I thought I'd put the 4K Roku in my room ... but after using the new Apple TV ... everything is craptastically slower in comparison. The UI is just buttery smooth on the Apple TV because of the A10X Fusion chip it's using. So ... gonna get another Apple TV. :oops:

Yeah I’ve been using a 3rd gen, it’s so slow and buggy. I’m hoping for a good Black Friday deal.
Yeah I’ve been using a 3rd gen, it’s so slow and buggy. I’m hoping for a good Black Friday deal.
I came from a 3rd gen to the new one. It's like a night and day difference. The motion navigation with the new remote takes some getting used to, but after you do it's very cool.
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I came from a 3rd gen to the new one. It's like a night and day difference. The motion navigation with the new remote takes some getting used to, but after you do it's very cool.

Sweet thanks! Mine won’t even connect to the internet anymore. It will connect to my network but then does nothing. I’m ready for the new one.
Other than my phone, I have no place to view them. Uploaded all my photos and video to my Mac (older cMBP 2012) and obviously that’s not compatible. I can save them to photos but that’s about it.

My iPad can’t capture the quality. My Apple TV 3rd gen isn’t capable either( its on its way out).

So I ask,for my iPhone X 4K video what’s the best way to play them back on a bigger screen?

My Sony LCD isn’t 4K either. So if I purchase a new Apple TV 4th gen and a new 4K tv, will I be able to at least steam over my 4K videos via AirPlay ?

Thinking of upgrading to a new IMac as well. Would that play the videos back as intended ?

I’m somewhat new to the 4K world, as this iPhone X is my first dabble into 4K.

How do you guys playback your beautiful 4K videos ?

On my PC wich has a 4K display since 2015.

But I never shoot videos, I don’t have the equipments to make worthwhile videos so I only take photos.
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Hey, been trying to find the answer to these questions, but still haven't. Saw this thread so I figure I'll go ahead and ask here since I think it seems relevant.

I DO HAVE a 4k HDR tv. And an Apple Tv 4k. But from what I'm seeing I still can't view videos I've shot in 4k. So I have two questions.

1. Does the photos app on the Apple TV 4k simply not support 4k videos? If so, wtf?

2. Does Airplay, or the upcoming Airplay 2 support 4k videos?
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Right now I believe AirPlay only works up to 1080p content. AirPlay 2 will supposedly stream at 4K. It was supposed to be included in iOS 11, but isn’t out yet.

Right now, the only method I’ve found to view 4K video shot on an iPhone on the Apple TV 4K is via iTunes. Import the movie into your Home Videos in iTunes, enable Home Sharing, and view it in 4K on the latest Apple TV.
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