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macrumors 601
Original poster
Dec 15, 2010
This is NOT thread on what you use, but on what is the most powerful email client. I personally use Outlook 2016, Apple Mail, and Thunderbird. I find strengths and weaknesses in all of them. Features that Thunderbird has, are missing from mail, and features Outlook has are missing from Thunderbird. For the most powerful email client award I may give it to Thunderbird. Although it's lacking some features, has limitations, has bugs and such it seems to have the most features. Unfortunately I do not believe its in development any longer.


macrumors member
Feb 14, 2018
Personal. For business purposes I still use The Bat for Windows. Did not find anything else with similar features for mac


macrumors 601
Feb 17, 2008
Fort Worth, Texas
I like Thunderbird and have used it for many years, both in Windows and macOS. Few folks realize that not only is Thunderbird an email client, it's also an excellent news reader (NNTP). I used it for accessing the old Microsoft forums, FIDO, and other feeds. Does anyone know if Mozilla has stopped development on Thunderbird?

As for Outlook, it's a great business PIM and mail client but overkill for my personal usage. Anyone here remember Lotus Notes? :D


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2011
As for Outlook, it's a great business PIM and mail client but overkill for my personal usage. Anyone here remember Lotus Notes? :D

Lotus Notes was brilliant and favoured by banks across the world, including China. Has it completely disappeared?


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
The bat? Never heard of it.

That's an application I remember from the 1990s - wow, had no idea it was still going!
Lotus Notes was brilliant and favoured by banks across the world, including China. Has it completely disappeared?

Please let it be so...please...if there's any justice left in this cold dark world then the source code for Lotus Notes should be wiped beyond an inch of it's now IBM owned life. :p
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