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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 8, 2009
Seriously. Are you serious right now? I have probably been the biggest advocate of the rMB on here since March 10th, I've been 100 percent set on selling my rMBP and getting the 1.3/512 in Space Gray ever since event day. And it seems like everyone but me has had the chance to play with the new MacBook in person. Well, I finally made it to an Apple store today and my thoughts follow!

Wow. OK...I had certain expectations about the rMB, but seeing/using it in person completely changes what you thought using the device would be like. Over the past few days, I've been looking into the possibility of buying an external monitor to connect the rMB to. I've never done that, I've always used my laptop screen. My 13" rMBP screen is glorious.

But somehow I thought the 12.0" display would be too small. I struggled using a 11" Air for 2 years, and I was counting down the days until I could get the Haswell rMBP back in 2013. The 12" display on the rMB completely dwarfs the 11" Air display. It's only .04" bigger...and I don't know if it's the Retina display, the ability to scale resolutions, the 16:10 ratio...but it feels completely bigger. I would be squinting sometimes to see things on the 11" Air...not so here. It really didn't feel any different from using the 13.3" screen on my rMBP. And I even tested out the rMB in 1440x900, and it didn't really seem any smaller than 1280x800. Retina is still beautiful in that scaled resolution too. 1152x770 is comically large, though.

And those speakers...****. Not only are the speakers louder than what you get on the Air/Pro, but the sound quality is better as well. I'm no audiophile, I've always been impressed by the speakers Apple puts on everything from the iPhone to Macs, but even I could tell the difference in quality with the rMB speakers. Someone needs to see what this baby can do with Boom 2 installed.

The keyboard...right away I was typing faster than I was on my rMBP. And not just faster, but I was typing the exact same way I always have. No adjustment needed.

The thing is also incredibly light. It's really hard to imagine what using the device is like...until you see in person. The only thing I couldn't test was if the wrist space area would be big enough...but it seemed fine when I was typing. Might be completely different when you are sitting down though. This was a big complaint many people had with the 11" Air.

So my takeaway here is that I was already completely convinced on ditching my 13" rMBP for the 12" rMB...but now I just wish my 1.3/512 would be here already. The screen is perfect size, not too small like I thought it was going to be. And considering how much I travel, I think it'll be my dream laptop. Performance seemed great also.

One other thing. Everyone knows how Apple is always good at the little details, but I couldn't help but notice at the Apple store I went to...immediately to the left of the rMB was the iPad mini, and the iPhone 6 was directly to the right. I was posting in another thread on how I think that's the perfect mobile setup, and I think Apple agrees. Once I get the rMB, that's exactly what my Apple devices consist of.

I also bought the iPhone 6 today. So I have a new gadget to play with until my rMB gets here.


macrumors newbie
Sep 17, 2014
For a second I thought you were going to totally rubbish the nmb! I'm so looking forward to having display models in london, already ordered a space grey and gold, waiting to see them in person before I cancel/return one


macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2014
Tell me about it. My wife just "convinced" me of getting Apple Store credit for my 2012 rMBP towards the her new rMB since I liked the rMB so much.

I agree with the review. My unexpected highlight was the keyboard. I was hoping to just live with it. Turned out to be my favorite feature.


macrumors 6502
Aug 19, 2010
instead of going to apples store, you could have walked into a best buy and grabbed one already


macrumors 68000
Jul 2, 2010
Yeah, I got my 1.2/512 model yesterday, and it's a great little machine. My 15" rMBP already seems last gen, especially the keyboard, although I'll still be using it at my desk for when I need the screen real-estate or power.

For using on the couch, in bed, on the road, etc., this new Macbook is where it's at. Pretty cool. :D


macrumors 6502a
Nov 27, 2013
For me the six plus works well with the rMB. I wouldn't want to carry an iPad even a mini one around as well.

Banquo's Ghost

macrumors member
Sep 18, 2014
Devon, UK
And it seems like everyone but me has had the chance to play with the new MacBook in person. Well, I finally made it to an Apple store today and my thoughts follow!

Lucky you. :( Here in UK, we still haven't got staff who know when we'll see the things, let alone demo models. Nonetheless, you thoughts are really welcome, thank you.

One other thing. Everyone knows how Apple is always good at the little details, but I couldn't help but notice at the Apple store I went to...immediately to the left of the rMB was the iPad mini, and the iPhone 6 was directly to the right. I was posting in another thread on how I think that's the perfect mobile setup, and I think Apple agrees. Once I get the rMB, that's exactly what my Apple devices consist of.

I also bought the iPhone 6 today. So I have a new gadget to play with until my rMB gets here.

I agree, and this is my plan too, sans iPad. My iPhone 6+ has already pretty much supplanted the iPad for me, so my mobile set up will be (pending a test of the keyboard) the rMB and 6+.


macrumors 68040
Original poster
Sep 8, 2009
Lucky you. :( Here in UK, we still haven't got staff who know when we'll see the things, let alone demo models. Nonetheless, you thoughts are really welcome, thank you.

I agree, and this is my plan too, sans iPad. My iPhone 6+ has already pretty much supplanted the iPad for me, so my mobile set up will be (pending a test of the keyboard) the rMB and 6+.

No problem. 6+ is way too big for me. I do see how people can have it be like an iPad for them, but I like my mobile phone to be a certain size. I'd rather have the optimal smartphone size for me than have a big uncomfortable one, even if it meant being able to ditch the iPad.

I have actually thought about selling my iPad. I have the Mini 2. If Apple doesn't return to making the Air and Mini equal, then I might do that. Otherwise I'm holding onto it as it acts as a good middle ground between my iPhone and MacBook.


macrumors 6502a
Apr 20, 2010
collingswood. nj
Absolutely love it. But no way in hell are the speakers "better"... louder does not equal better. Listen to the same song on both. The depth of sound on the rMBP is MUCH MUCH better. That being said, doesn't bother me much. I used to sell audio and have a very nice home system.. and I'm very into sound quality, but all the other advantages of this machine make this not bother me one bit.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 4, 2013
Great review. I won't be picking up a rMB anytime soon due to a 2 month old rMBP which i LOVE!. BUT...

I'll pick up on the rMB, iPad and iPhone 6+ comment.

I picked up an iPhone 6+ today and after a 4S my god i love it. I am selling my iPad Mini 2 and having my rMBP & 6+ and thats it for Apple apart from my iPod as a non internet device. My Samsung Galaxy Tab is used for work entertainment and my HD equipped HP TheSlave™ for gaming and downloading.

I see little use for my iPad with such a big phone in my setup. You guys/girls with your lightweight Mac? You see my point?

Each to their own tho. The rMB interests me as a tech geek, i spend a lot of time reading here and did slate it a bit early days but it sounds good with these real life real user reviews.


macrumors 68020
Jan 30, 2008
Washington DC
Great review. I won't be picking up a rMB anytime soon due to a 2 month old rMBP which i LOVE!. BUT...

I'll pick up on the rMB, iPad and iPhone 6+ comment.

I picked up an iPhone 6+ today and after a 4S my god i love it. I am selling my iPad Mini 2 and having my rMBP & 6+ and thats it for Apple apart from my iPod as a non internet device. My Samsung Galaxy Tab is used for work entertainment and my HD equipped HP TheSlave™ for gaming and downloading.

I see little use for my iPad with such a big phone in my setup. You guys/girls with your lightweight Mac? You see my point?

Each to their own tho. The rMB interests me as a tech geek, i spend a lot of time reading here and did slate it a bit early days but it sounds good with these real life real user reviews.

When my wife purchased the iPhone 6+ she didn't use her iPad much. I have the iPhone 6 so I still use my iPad Mini for streaming, etc.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 11, 2013
San Diego, CA
When my wife purchased the iPhone 6+ she didn't use her iPad much. I have the iPhone 6 so I still use my iPad Mini for streaming, etc.

Not to totally change the subject from rMB, but I was going to get the next gen iPhone when they release it. I've been toying with the idea to get that "+" version, but I used to think it was too big, especially with a case on it. I wouldn't get a bulky case, but I'd be afraid of dropping it because it is so big so I would want at least a bumper or something with a lip in case it lands on the glass side. I guess i'm still on the fence.
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