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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 5, 2016
Seriously. I bought a black stainless steel Apple Watch 42mm (Series 0) for $150 cash on Craigslist. The seller gave me the original box, and 1.5 extra sports bands (This is on top of the black sports band that came with the watch). The listing was up for 5 days, and I was able to get a response from the seller to go from $250 to $150.

I also saw several sports watches going for $160-180, and stainless steel ones going for $200-250. If you're good at haggling, you can easily get these for $140-150/150-175 respectively.

For the big performance bump and still ridiculous battery life that the s0 AW's have, I think that these are the watches to get.

I wanted to get back into having an Apple Watch, and almost paid around $600 for the Series 2 Stainless Steel version. But really the only added benefits were: GPS (I carry my phone around anyway), battery (This one still kicks ass), and performance (This guy still does great, although I can definitely see the slowdown compared to the S1/S2).

If you guys do not have an Apple Watch, are hesitant about S1/S2, and don't think that the added benefits are worth it for you, look into purchasing a used series 0. Because these things are seriously the best bang for your buck smart watches right now.
Agree the deals are out there for the Gen 1 Watch and quickly dwindling with good deals. But in my opinion, leery of purchasing any used electronics off eBay or Craigslist. Do you also own the Series 2? Stainless or Sport?
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Agree the deals are out there for the Gen 1 Watch and quickly dwindling with good deals. But in my opinion, leery of purchasing any used electronics of eBay. Do you also own the Series 2? Stainless or Sport?

I agree about purchasing from eBay. I would look for an auction of one that at least comes with Apple Care +.
I wouldn't be parting with my original SS AW for 150, let alone give extra bands with it. Sounds like you found a good deal.

There are plenty of electronic sell back companies that will still offer more than $200 for a SS, not all but if you look you will find them. So if a seller is selling you a SS for under $200 I would say it is either a good deal, or it possibly beat up. As always, buyer beware (especially with Craigslist), but good deals are out there.
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