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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Nov 30, 2015
Like, HARDCORE, been thinking about upgrading to a Face-ID equipped iPhone, but I just can't get myself to do it! I don't need the extra speed, cameras, etc., I just want a phone that is pocket-able. THAT is my number one "feature" and concern over what is offered today.

I have been due for an upgrade for 3+ years and yet here I am, still glancing at my upgrade options on (insert carrier website) and I just can't do it right now.

The SE is a different beast. It's small, lightweight, CHEAP (I paid $120 used on the secondary market, back in August 2018), gets the latest iOS updates...maybe part of me is wanting to see how this iPhone SE2 (iPhone 9?) device is in the Q1 2020? Yet, the home button IS getting to be tiresome and outdated in design, IMO...

What is everyone's thoughts on their SE and why haven't YOU upgraded? Anyone in the same boat as me?
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If you want the modern tech in a small wrapping, your best bet will probably be holding on to your SE until next autumn and going for a rumoured 5.4” iPhone 12. If rumours are true, you will have your FaceID, full OLED screen design, a dual camera at the back, etc. It will still be way more expensive than SE was on launch, but might be worth it.
My thoughts on my SE: I have had an iPhone XS since October of last year and I still have my SE. My SIM card is in the XS, but I could not bring myself to give away or sell the SE. It is probably my favourite of the 11 mobile phones I have had since my first, a 2005 Nokia 2125 (which I still have and it still works).

I will take it on my trip to East Timor next year instead of my XS. Apart from the beautiful screen quality of the XS vs the SE, sometimes I use my SE while my XS is charging and the step down in capability is small or not there. I often notice the screen size and screen quality, but everything else is really nice.

I feel that I need a bigger screen for work, otherwise I could have kept going with the SE. The XS is bulky, heavy and I will not mind offloading it next October when my lease ends.

Face ID is not bad since iOS 13. It was so slow and annoying before that.

If you want to upgrade, you should absolutely wait for news of the 5.4" model next September! That's what I'm waiting for. I personally don't mind if it's not a Pro model. Or there is the iPhone 8 refresh coming in March as a plan B - with a grippy case, it is the fallback option for me.
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I have an SE and I love it for its size which is perfect for fitting in a pocket. So disappointed that Apple has stopped making a standard sized phone. I’m considering ditching Apple and getting a Motorola razr despite the price tag and having to move to Android.
It's not time to upgrade, unless you really need the extra screen and power for graphic intensive apps.

The SE can do everything the latest iPhones can do, minus some idiotic emoji's and Face ID. While the new iPhones are a marginal upgrade over the SE, they are also a downgrade in many ways.

Don't feel pressured to buy a new iPhone just because everyone around you has one. Everyone and their grandmother is also driving a new car today, even though most of them live paycheck to paycheck, have no savings, and are swimming in debt. Save your money.

If you use your SE primarily for calls, text messages, email, and occasional browsing, then truth be told you will be disappointed in the "upgrade" because it won't feel like one. The reason why most people feel that it's an upgrade is because their priorities include:

1. Taking thousands of selfies and high res photos/videos of dinners, places they visited, and other material possessions so they can compete for likes on social media.
2. Playing graphic-intensive games on their iPhones, since they don't have a life, which is sadly most people nowadays.
3. Showing others they could afford the latest and greatest.

Oh, and let's not forget about the slobs who need a new iPhone because their old one is ruined due to carelessness. That's about it.
If you use your SE primarily for calls, text messages, email, and occasional browsing, then truth be told you will be disappointed in the "upgrade" because it won't feel like one.

And even worse, if handling and discrtee usage and storage are priorities for you (as they are for me), *all* of the current lineup is a huge downgrade since they are all these huge ”bricks”.

God I wish Apple would diversify downwards size wise. I’d *love* to see their attempts at something like the new RAZR and other ideas in that space. A ton could be done with that 2nd screen (on the outside when folded up) - it could basically be the Apple Watch interface out there, etc..
And even worse, if handling and discrtee usage and storage are priorities for you (as they are for me), *all* of the current lineup is a huge downgrade since they are all these huge ”bricks”.

God I wish Apple would diversify downwards size wise. I’d *love* to see their attempts at something like the new RAZR and other ideas in that space. A ton could be done with that 2nd screen (on the outside when folded up) - it could basically be the Apple Watch interface out there, etc..

Totally! The new RAZR is probably the best and coolest looking phone I’ve seen in years.

Unlike the overpriced bricks Apple has been releasing, the RAZR actually has presence.

They took a timeless and classic design and shoved a modern foldable screen into it. I’m honestly blown away by it. Apple could learn a thing or two from that.

Not everyone wants a big heavy phone!!! What part of that don’t they understand?!?!?!
Totally! The new RAZR is probably the best and coolest looking phone I’ve seen in years.

Not everyone wants a big heavy phone!!! What part of that don’t they understand?!?!?!

IMHO, Apple are a global company with a very good sense of the mobile market trends. They released XR and people liked it a lot, so much in fact that they are still selling them.

I also prefer smaller sized phones, but I guess we are in a very small percentage to matter to Apple much. Besides, that rumoured 5.4” iPhone 12 should be just slightly bigger than SE, ticking the boxes for many devoted SE users. 🖐
I am waiting to see if the 5.4" becomes reality. If not, I am not sure what I will upgrade to at this point.

I have been experiencing an iOS bug between the SE and Apple Watch 5, that affects normal usage of the watch at times. Several others here have reported the same thing. I don't think Apple is going to get it fixed so, I need to look ahead to using something that isn't going to cause a problem when using the watch at times.
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IMHO, Apple are a global company with a very good sense of the mobile market trends. They released XR and people liked it a lot, so much in fact that they are still selling them.

I also prefer smaller sized phones, but I guess we are in a very small percentage to matter to Apple much. Besides, that rumoured 5.4” iPhone 12 should be just slightly bigger than SE, ticking the boxes for many devoted SE users. 🖐

I'm not sure if I agree.

If the recent rumors and leaks are to be believed, then we will see two new smaller iPhones from the current lineup in 2020. This clearly implies that the so-called "mobile market trend" is such that there's enough demand for smaller iPhones.

Why else would Apple suddenly go back to producing smaller phones?

As you pointed out, the rumored 5.4" iPhone will be similar in size to the SE, which means that there's enough demand for SE-sized phones.
I was like this for a while and was dead set against a larger phone. It's still annoying when walking trying to use my 11 Pro with one hand but the larger screen is so nice. I couldn't go back to an SE sized phone.
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I'll probably wait indefinitely, and see what the 2020 iPhones are like. I don't use my phone for watching videos or movies, or taking elaborate pictures. Just email, messaging, Facebook, sometimes phone calls.

Thanks for the replies. Didn't notice that there were that many.
What are the size specs, to our knowledge at this point?

This should give you some clues:

I'm not sure if I agree.

If the recent rumors and leaks are to be believed, then we will see two new smaller iPhones from the current lineup in 2020.

Not quite right, considering that the current lineup still includes iPhone 8. So in 2020 the smallest iPhone will be based on the current 8, followed up by the entirely new 5.4” model. We may dream for a more radical redesign of iPhone 8 chassis, making it smaller overall, yet at that 399$ price point it is obviously not happening. So, once again, the smallest physical size in 2020 will be the same as iPhone 6-8.

Here is everything we know so far, including a nice size chart:

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Like, HARDCORE, been thinking about upgrading to a Face-ID equipped iPhone, but I just can't get myself to do it! I don't need the extra speed, cameras, etc., I just want a phone that is pocket-able. THAT is my number one "feature" and concern over what is offered today.

I have been due for an upgrade for 3+ years and yet here I am, still glancing at my upgrade options on (insert carrier website) and I just can't do it right now.

The SE is a different beast. It's small, lightweight, CHEAP (I paid $120 used on the secondary market, back in August 2018), gets the latest iOS updates...maybe part of me is wanting to see how this iPhone SE2 (iPhone 9?) device is in the Q1 2020? Yet, the home button IS getting to be tiresome and outdated in design, IMO...

What is everyone's thoughts on their SE and why haven't YOU upgraded? Anyone in the same boat as me?
I still have an iPhone SE.
It is used by my little son because I think it is the right size for his hand.
I like it. It is still fast, responsive, and it is a beauty.
But it wouldn’t fit my needs. Not even remotely.

I think the 5.8” iphone really is pocket-able, by actual standards. Otherwise your only option will be the new “iPhone 9”, which probably will resemble an iPhone 8.
Just upgraded to an iPhone XR from an SE. Got a sweet deal through my carrier that I just couldn’t pass up. The SE was nice, but Face ID and swipe gestures alone are worth the upgrade. Plus, the XR is a beast, the speakers sound great, the battery life is astounding and the big screen is gorgeous. Yeah it’s a bit of a pain to carry around sometimes, but I could never go back to a smaller phone now.
True, I could get the XR or the regular 11 for $14-19 a month, but don't want to lease anything.
If I were to travel to a dangerous place I would get an SE as a disposable phone just for the peace of mind. Otherwise I think the iPhone X/11 Pro (non-Max) are the perfect pocket size, especially without the bezels.
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