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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 28, 2016
New York
I own 9.7, 10.5 and 12.9in iPads. I also owned for a period of time a 7.9. I tried to decide which one is the best size. Well, each has its own strengths. Here is my impression about them. Of note, my main use is note taking, studying PDFs, reviewing word documents, surfing internet and emails.

10.5 is the smallest size where you can comfortably read whole pages of PDF without zooming. 9.7 and 7.9 required zooming and that could be distracting. 10.5 is still very portable. 10.5 is the best for reading on bed or couch a study it is lighter and more compact than 12.9. Remember that in regards to how heavy a device feels, an important factor is the size. The center of gravity of 12.9 is further away from your fingers, so longer moment arms, bigger forces need to applied through your fingers to hold it up. The 10.5 fits easily in bags and it is easy to carry around.

12.9 is the best size for table work. You can hold it further away from your eyes, so reading is more comfortable. Drawing experience is also much better. Multi tasking is also superior. But it is not comfortable to hold it up and it is too big to carry it around. Although it fits in most bags, it feels big and it feels fragile (especially if you try to stuff in the bag more objects).

Given the distinct advantages of each size, I have decided to keep both. Had I been forced to keep only one, I would have gone with the 10.5, because I spend much time reading on bed and there is no good stand to hold the 12.9 in portrait mode.

9.7 is good only for those who cannot afford a 10.5. Right now is being used by my son.

7.9 is a size that can fit in the pocket and does not require to take a bag. It is also very comfortable to hold it up. However, it requires zooming to study PDFs, it requires some very good vision and to hold it very close (thus taxing for the eyes) for multitasking. The screen resolution is the best and allows you to hold it close to our eyes without seeing the pixels, such screen experience is second to none. The issue with 7.9 is that you cannot work for prolonged of periods of time due to the small screen (taxing for my eyes and annoying constant zooming and panning), so there is still a need for larger size iPad. Moreover, the iPad mini does not replace. So, if I wanted to keep the iPad mini, I would have ended with 4 iOS devices (iPhone, 10.5 and 12.9), which is too much.

There are some rumors about a 6.5 iPhone. Such a size would most likely make the 7.9 iPad redundant. Although the difference in screen size between 6.5 and 7.9 is significant, however, it doesn't translate in some practical advanatage.
What I mean, the change from 9.7 to 10.5 makes the zooming and panning of PDFs unnecessary, so although it is a small increase in size by 0.8 in, it does translate in a faster workflow. The increase in size from 6.5 to 7.9 is not associated with some practical advantage (at least I cannot see it).

Here are some more of my impressions about screens:
True tone is really good for night use of iPad. I cannot use my 12.9 first gen iPad Pro at night (my eyes get tired), while I can comfortably use my true tone 10.5
Night shift is actually a worse experience for my eyes
Promotion: I haven't noticed the difference, contrary to what others say
Sceeen resolution above 300ppi offers a much upgraded experience.
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Nice, thoughtful analysis!

In general, I agree completely that each has it's advantages and uses.

A couple points from my perspective:
  • No size iPhone will make the Mini redundant for me. 7.9 really is the absolute minimum for any task that might last more than 10 seconds. I've had 7.0" tablets and they were too small. (I understand this is personal and not universal, but a 6.5" iPhone would NOT replace my Mini - if they kill off the Mini, I'd still get the bigger phone, but the things I did on the Mini would just move to the 9.7/10.5, not to the 6.5.)
  • With the Mini and PDFs, I just use it in landscape mode instead of tablet mode. Minimal zooming (unless you're reading block diagrams... then you need to zoom on any device).
  • I disagree about the 9.7" assertion (only for those that can't afford the 10.5). I use both and I really don't notice a difference. I thought I would and that 10.5 would be like having a more portable 12.9 but it's really not noticeable - it feels exactly like the 9.7. I was actually really surprised.
  • No size iPhone will make the Mini redundant for me. 7.9 really is the absolute minimum for any task that might last more than 10 seconds. I've had 7.0" tablets and they were too small. (I understand this is personal and not universal, but a 6.5" iPhone would NOT replace my Mini - if they kill off the Mini, I'd still get the bigger phone, but the things I did on the Mini would just move to the 9.7/10.5, not to the 6.5.)

You don’t use your iPhone for more than 10 seconds at a time?
10.5 is the smallest size where you can comfortably read whole pages of PDF without zooming.
I don't quite agree on this. With Goodreader you can cut away the margins on pdf files, which makes them just barely readable on the 9.7. I have done this since the original iPad -- the real reason I bought it. No doubt, though, that 10.5 is better
You don’t use your iPhone for more than 10 seconds at a time?

In terms of screen time, no. The exception being music - I could listen to music on it for hours. The screen is just too small (I have the 7+) when I have a Mini (or larger) near by. Everything I do on my phone is quick-use.
It's just personal preference based on your workflows.
I have the 7.9, 9.7, 10.5 and the 12.9 - my goto device is the 7.9. Anything that needs actual work I'm reaching for a laptop.
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I have both a 12.9 and 10.5 and use them a lot, but for different things. I have gotten real used to the convenience of both and it would kind of suck to go back to one iPad (yes, first world problems).
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