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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 30, 2015
In common with many people, I have a large degree of cynicism and distrust of "cloud" services, especially where your private data may end up in untrustable locations (possibly that's just about anywhere online these days, even locations within the EEA), and I'd prefer to avoid or minimise the use of cloud services until I can further investigate the potential pros and cons.

I have just bought a new Mac running OS X 10.10 (my first personal Mac, although I use Macs (among other OSes) at work), and need to set up the computer. Are there any potential issues regarding registering an Apple ID for the computer (I think I have to do so at some stage, in order to be able to download OS updates?).

If possible, I definitely don't want to store anything in iCloud until I have found out more about it. Are there any steps I need to take during setup to make sure that my computer doesn't start trying to set up any form of data syncing?

I am aware that OS X 10.10 is configured to upload Spotlight and Safari searches to Apple (which is a poor state of affairs, any such feature ought to require informed opt-in). Thanks to fix-macosx, I know how to disable these. Are there any other disrespectful nasties that I also need to be aware of and might need to disable? I guess the days of "Think different" are gradually coming to an end..

Thanks for any advice..


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
You will need to setup an AppleID in the App Store to get apps, but that is separate from iCloud. Just do not turn on any of the iCloud services in the System Preferences pane and you will be fine.

Dark Void

macrumors 68030
Jun 1, 2011
You can just avoid using iCloud, no worries at all. I don't recall anything during set-up but there is a preferences pane in System Preferences where you can make sure it is not enabled or set up.


macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 30, 2015
Thanks, both, that's good to know that iCloud is an opt-in optional service. It is disgraceful that the same can't be said for the leaking of search terms, and I really do hope that's not the start of a slippery slope for Apple..
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