I bought it February. The keyboard started to fail 5 weeks ago while working on a film here in LA. It was a disaster and I really went after them.
Unfortunately for them, 2 techs initially admitted that the new keyboards are prone to failure, can't handle much dust and debris and were not (in their view) tested enough prior to release. The folks at the Apple Store readily said the same, even telling me that they had returned their units. The last thing I wanted was another MBP of any kind.
I told them that I'd stay with Apple, but I expected a full refund. They actually went beyond that and I got extra money in the deal. Out of shear bad luck, my new iMac 27" i7 with 2 TB FD had a bad memory slot. I wasn't too thrilled, but they upgraded me to a 512 SSD at no charge and threw in a Apple TV.
So...all is well (arg last), and I spent more money, so Apple is probably happy too!