You should use your credit card though...that's what builds good credit. Just use it for stuff you are buying that you know you can afford. Like if you grab something to eat once a week, just use it for that, then pay it off every month/cycle, so you get no interest. If you use credit cards correctly, they can only help you, not harm you.
EDIT - not to mention that you get better fraud protection when paying with a credit card as opposed to debit, and often times reward points and extras like extended warranty and price-drop protection.
I just wanted to say that I'm a cash person too, but I buy big things with a credit card for the convenience and extra protection. I actually save up cash all year around and keep it somewhere safe. When a new iPad or phone comes along, I pay with Amex and then pay the whole thing off the minute I get the bill with that cash. I wouldn't be comfortable going into debt to buy something, so only do it when I physically have the money to pay. I only use my c.c. for tech and flights, but cash for everything else.
I have a good friend that buys everything with his credit card. Candy, fuel, electronics, couch, clothing, anything. He appreciates the (excellent) insurance on the card. He pays his card back monthly.
Come to think of it, I bought my recent 10.5 with my cc as well. Apple Store debit system didn’t work. So I used my card. But that will also be paid back this week.
Fraud is hardly a problem with the debit bankcards here. They are not credit-card-like debit cards, they use the emv chip and if the card does get skimmed the bank reimburses you.
Credit building is done differently over here. With your income and some other data a maximum amount is determined that should be safe. So having a credit card lowers your remaking credit rating because it lowers the total remaining amount of credit. Personally leasing a car, having a mortgage, rent, alimony, loans, all those things are taken into account. If it is done right.
I don’t think either system is better by definition. IMHO paying with plastic is “dangerous” anyway because it doesn’t feel like spending/parting with money. 0,05 is the same as spending 1500 on a iPad Pro.
And I personally dislike to own anybody money. I don’t like it with friends, but I particularly hate it to own money to big companies like visa/banks/retail chains.