Ive owned the Ti SB since release and just picked up the Graphite today. I love how it plays with light and has a little bling to it. The band is darker and looks nicer then the one that comes with the TiSB which is more dark gray. It feels or looks more premium than the Ti. Maybe because I've had it for a year but the Ti seems a bit boring to me now. I see where it may be an issue for people with the SS link bands etc as the colors don't match but I think it will look fine with other bands. My Ti SB will be here next week and Ill most likely return it. Ti is cool but the durability should be the same and its just a novelty for a watch ill trade in a year. As far as price I consider them the same as you get an extra band, charger, AppleCare with the Ti. marketing well done Apple. Cant go wrong with either but I like a to change it up a bit. Cheers.