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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 8, 2008
Hi all. Haven’t bought a computer in a while and just grabbed an Air 13”16/512 for $1250 during their sale last week.

Hearing the M4 is coming out next week. Anyone here think they will refresh Airs as well?
Apple Store lead times suggest no.

Earliest delivery date for a custom config M3 MBA is Oct. 31-Nov. 4. Given that we know for a fact MBP M4 is a November 2024 product, MBA is not being updated since the delivery date range includes October.


For M3 MBP, the earliest delivery date for a custom config is now Nov. 4. This lets us know it's being refreshed imminently.

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Never thought of doing that. Smart. Appreciate it.
Hi all. Haven’t bought a computer in a while and just grabbed an Air 13”16/512 for $1250 during their sale last week.

Hearing the M4 is coming out next week. Anyone here think they will refresh Airs as well?
Almost certainly not. The M3 Airs are barely over 6 months old. They are likely following the same schedule they did with the M3 releases: MBP in the Fall, MBA in the Spring.
The M4 is technically already out, if you think about it. The iPad Pro has the m4. M4 mac pros are expected later this month or in November, however the M4 Air most likely won’t be out until March. M3 came out last March so I wouldn’t Expect them before that
Thanks. I remember at one point in the past they included a new chip shortly after a release. I can’t recall when but the reason I posted was because I thought of this. Thanks all.
Thanks. I remember at one point in the past they included a new chip shortly after a release. I can’t recall when but the reason I posted was because I thought of this. Thanks all.
This hasnt been the case in their M series line up. Its a safe bet to keep your M3 and enjoy it. My M2 still feels as fast as the day it was new. I doubt thats going to change anytime soon
I generally buy the latest as soon as I can. That being said m3 has been out what, 6 months? M4 coming out for the pros now but the air's will be released probably spring of next year in around another 6 months. May even be longer like a year. Apple seems to be trying to get a regular cadence and I am not sure if it will be 12 months or 18 months. Either way you have the latest MBA available at least for the next several months and you got a good deal. When the new M4 airs are released sales will not be as good. So you would have to wait longer to get a similar deal and I don't see the value in it for you or if I were you.

You have a great Mac. Hope you enjoy your M3 as much as I enjoy my M2. And as the previous poster has stated my M2 MBA feels just as fast as the day I bought which I think is a pretty amazing feat. Your M3 will last a long time!

If their was a redesign in the next air then I would wait but it has not been rumored of any redesign any time soon so the only difference is the cpu and between one ten there is not going to be a huge difference and if your Mac is already fast enough it won't be slowing down any time soon at least from my experience.
Just bought a 16GB/1TB M3 Air from the EDU sale.

It's waiting for me at the Apple Store and I have until 31 October to pick it up. My return window will close on 15 Nov. Therefore the new M4 MacBooks will be announced with immediate availability on 16 Nov. 😂
The first M3 s came out in 10/30/2023. So about a year. The M3 MacBook Air is about 6 months.

Then 18 months cadence would be about 6 months from now which would be spring of next year. Makes sense. But who knows. Trying to guess Apple device release cadence has become a little more difficult lately.

In any case if waiting 6 months makes more sense to get the latest release then I would personally do that but the OP has to decide what works best for them.

If I was looking to buy a MBP then I would certainly wait as m4 MBP is just about to drop.
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