I've been using my 6S+ for about one full day now and I am blown away. I was excited for the new stuff, sure, but I had no idea it would all converge in such a beautiful way. Live Photos are pretty killer. It's already IN ONE DAY captured many great moments that I can now relive much more vividly. I know in a year or two I'll be very happy to have memories captured like this. And everyone I show it to, even non-techies and Apple 'hesistants', immediately finds it pretty awesome.
Then 3D touch. While it needs more implementation, not just across 3rd party apps but in iOS itself (need peek in more places like spotlight, settings.. really just everywhere) the hardware experience is FANTASTIC. It's so tactile, so analog feeling, so responsive and precise. Playing with the smoke-cloud and fish wallpapers, you can so precisely manipulate them with pressure, on an almost frame-by-frame basis, even though some of the animations are hundreds of frames long. Oh, and the 3D touch keyboard trackpad/selection feature is excellent too. They really just nailed all of this so well for it being the technology's 1st gen.
Of course, the speed improvements and expanded memory (even though it's just 2x the ram, it really feels like 10x the ram, because I think 90% of it was taken up by system/graphical resources on the 6+) make a massive difference too, and touch ID's instantaneousness feels really futuristic and remarkable on its own. The speaker is louder and clearer, the mic picks up low frequencies FAR better, the front camera captures much more light and detail, the video recording image stabilization is making my snaps all pro looking... the taptic engine is practically silent! ....... Overall I really did not expect this to feel like such a jump forward in so many ways. I am so glad I bothered to upgrade. Currently awed by technology.