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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 6, 2007
Los Angeles
Am I correct that the little zoom slider in the lower right corner of the finder (in thumbnail view) is gone in Mavericks?

Am I correct that this change sucks?

Am I incorrect that there is no easy way to zoom your thumb size?
My Finder is significantly buggered about with by a third party app, but I *think* the following is true: the slider is only present when 'Show Toolbar' is enabled.
I upgraded to el Capitan and have had to fix several issues. In Finder, the zoom slider was missing for icons. Had to go to VIEW then SHOW STATUS bar and then the slider appeared next to the file size at the bottom of the window. Hope this helps someone else.
You can get your Zoom Slider back. The was driving me crazy! But I figured it out. Open Finder. <Menu Bar<View (use the drop down) <Show Status Bar. There you have it. Yay! Hope this helps.
You can get your Zoom Slider back. The was driving me crazy! But I figured it out. Open Finder. <Menu Bar<View (use the drop down) <Show Status Bar. There you have it. Yay! Hope this helps.
Did you even read the two previous posts, particularly the part where they mention "Show Status Bar"?
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